Writing a PhD research proposal is a responsible job and it exciting at the same time. The first question you should ask yourself – are you sure that you need it. You are already graduated, and it was not so simple. But during studying and graduating your lectors perceived you as a student. Now, declaring that you are going to get a PhD you are trying to present yourself as a colleague to your yesterdays’ mentors.
You should be ready that requirements for your researching, writing and presentation skills will be extremely higher than they were in university. But if you are prepared to this and ready to show the whole world your researchers and believes to development of your subject – welcome on board of science.
Well, PhD Architecture research proposal is your first step to enter the way of writing a PhD thesis and getting a Doctorate degree.
It is unbelievably essential to describe your subject and intrigue future mentors and opponents in your work.
You should show there the problem and prove that the problem is:
- Modern
- Can be solved
- The solution can be gen in the exact acceptable time
- Costs to experiments are insignificant compared to the effects of the result
- Methods and methodology of research are innovative and modern
Remember that proposal is just a guide to our future colossal work. It should be flexible and don’t give answers or assumptions of the result. It might happen that someone is already working on a close problem and can give you great feedback about your future troubles and failures. So you should be open-minded and listen carefully.
The standard length of the proposal is nearly 2 000 words. It sure depends on the subject, but try to restrict your writing according to this recommendation.
If you are ready with your dream research and feel like a young scientist full of energy, let’s remind you that every scientific paper has a structure, so you should guide your thoughts according to it to make your proposal professional.
- Title, supervisor. It contains the name of work and your main supervisor and his faculty or department.
- Research method, targets, and goals. It should be a short and straightforward thesis that you are working at. Try to imagine the results of your research and formulate according to is your goal. After that, describe the main methods you will use to achieve the goal.
- Synopsis. This is a clear summary of all what you are going to do. It shouldn’t be step by step instruction. A simple test to check if your synopsis is good enough is giving it to read to another scientist in your science direction.
- Background. Show that you are aware of recent publications on your subject. Explain how you decided to choose precisely this goal according to your experience. Give examples of important researches and results of their investigations.
- Research contribution that you expect. Try to show the main benefits of your job, spheres where it is useful. Make assumptions if your results will work as a development of science or will have more applied value.
- Work plan. It is essential to show that you can calculate the time that you need to research. It will be more responsible for giving a more detailed plan of the first part of the research and more common to the next parts because it’s not so easy to predict it correctly.
- Resources. There you can give a list of expenses you are planning to spend. Make a list of equipment you need for making tests. It also may be traveling expenses.
- Bibliography. Make a list of all the resources you used for writing a research proposal.
Being a scientist is an exciting job. If you feel that it is your way, use all your patience to achieve success and make this world better.