The pleasure from design „We just began talking one day about designs…brainstorming.“ That is how Bert van der Grift and Dennis van der Burch “just” established BERT&DENNIS studio. Teamwork turned out to be more fruitful for them than making progress on their own. They use different materials in their projects – from wood to plastic, and the tendency for clear lines, marked functionality and the element of surprise, which tickles one’s sense of humour, are present in all their concepts.
They themselves talk about how they see their collaboration, what is the meaning of emotion within the concept of good design and what is their attitude towards new materials and technologies:
Good design is a thin balance, a feeling, design should make you smile. It should attract you, and when you approach it you should be day about designs…brainstorming.“ That is how Bert van der Grift and Dennis van der Burch “just” established BERT&DENNIS studio. Teamwork turned out to be more fruitful for them than making progress on their own. They use different materials in their projects – from wood to plastic, and the tendency for clear lines, marked functionality and the element of surprise, which tickles one’s sense of humour, are present in all their concepts.
It should attract you, and when you approach it you should be surprised by the detail. This same enjoyment should be experienced when using the design. Team work Teamwork is very important for us in several ways.Teamwork is how we start designing, one starts on a certain point on where the other can give his reflection. In this way we both think and speak very directly about a design. Sometimes a project is put on hold until one of us gives it a new start.
In all these ways we can motivate each other to go on and make the best designs possible. Form and emotion Form is emotion, when you see a good design it can feel like being in love. When a woman sees a beautiful dress and when a man sees a perfect car. This feeling you can also get form a chair or a lamp. For us form is a search for a graphical line. I do think that in art, a form is shaped by the creators emotion and in design emotion is experienced by a design itself. Materials and technique We love to use old or unknown techniques for our design. Or use existing techniques in a different way.
Sometime we are approached by a company with a new technique and sometime we find these companies.Foampressed is a good example: We were already developing 3D fabrics ourselves by hand until we found somebody who was able to put this technique into machine. And so Fompressed was born.
Glimpses into the future? A lot to come, we are developing a lot of new designs with different manufacturers. And of course we always keep on searching for new challenges. So keep watching us for a lot more to come…