When you go to a bank, usually you don’t pay a lot of attention to the interior because all your thoughts are focused on money. Well, today’s bank that we would like to present to you is an exception. It’s modern bank interior design fascinates at a glance and can take your mind away just for a minute in order to enjoy the fantastic brilliance of its look.
The interior designers of the project, NAU studio, showed real professional skills when they were assigned to do the job. Furthermore, they needed to be perfect, having in mind that the modern Austrian bank Raiffeisen is located in Zurich, the money center of the world. One of the fantastic features in the interior is the perforated walls where portraits have been engraved. The trick was to encourage social interaction, since the portraits take the attention away from the conventional designer lines. Of course, faces have been not randomly chosen. These are the most prominent past residents like Böklin, Semper or Sypri. In order to incorporate the portraits in the walls, NAU studio used some cutting-edge digital techniques and as you see, the result is stunning!
Photo credits: Jan Bitter