About nora
Nora rubber flooring has been manufactured for more than 60 years. They are made from high-quality synthetic and natural rubber, natural minerals and environment-friendly coloring pigments. They do not contain any PVC, plasticizers or halogens and have anti-static qualities, which makes them harmless for people with allergies. The rubber flooring has a number of specific qualities which allows for its application in different areas.Due to their sealed surface they are stain-resistant and are easy to clean.
They are described by good wear-resistance for which they are preferred for places subjected to extreme wearing out and a large flow of people - retail centres, public transport, etc. The wide range of colours and the great variety of design and textiles provides a good advantage when taking design decisions for different spaces. Intarsias of very high precision can be produced to meet customers’ wishes and ideas - company logos or complicated multi-colour figures, corresponding to the specific characteristics of the particular objects - hospitals, schools, kindergartens, airports, sports halls, restaurants and shops.
All nora® floor coverings are subject to strict control and regular quality checks and the company has been granted ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates.The company relies on its collaboration with designers and architects in order to be able to provide a closed cycle of the service - choice of suitable material, design and fitting.