
Sunday, March 23, 2025

25 OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS DECORATION IDEAS – Easy Outdoor Christmas Decorating Ideas

One of our favourite celebrations of the whole years is coming up soon! This is no other than Christmas. A time for finding peace, quiet and happiness in your daily life. Christmas is also an important time of the year to spend time with your family and close friends. You can invite them over for a Christmas dinner and also make sure to give them some presents. While getting ready for Christmas eve and day, you can also create some outdoor Christmas decoration ideas. This way, you will get your garden ready for the event as well! Check out our 25 easy outdoor Christmas decorating ideas, if you are in search of some simple inspiration!

1. Ice Skate Vase – Front Door Wreath

When you are getting ready for Christmas and for decorating your home and garden, take inspiration from the event and the season! Maybe you are thinking about placing a basket of flowers on your front door or a wreath. Instead, take ideas from the activities you do during wintertime. For example, if you go ice-skating each winter, then why not hang an ice skate on your front door? Then all you need to do is arrange seasonal foliage in it as if it were a vase! This is a simple idea to channel a Christmas vibe in your home and garden.

2. Wooden Ornaments – Budget-Friendly Outdoor Christmas Decoration

Who comes to town each year on Christmas Eve? This answer is obvious, Santa Claus! He visits families climbing in their chimneys, delivering presents to children. Use Santa Claus as inspiration for creating some wooden decor. Paint his face and red hat on the ends of small logs. You can add pompoms as the nose. This ornament for your front or backyard is not only fun to put together, especially if you have some kids, but it is also cheap!

3. A Festive Feeling – The Bells Are Ringing

Create some bells to hang on your porch or terrace during the season of Christmas! We’re not talking about making actual bells, just some amazing decorations! You will need plastic flowerpots to create the shape of the bell. Spray metallic silver or gold paint on the pots, to create a proper image of the bell. Then you will need to hang small Christmas tree ornaments through the pots, creating the clapper of it. You can create a few of these Christmas bells for a stunning look!

4. Creating Christmas Trees – Easy Outdoor Christmas Decorating Ideas

Since it’s going to be Christmas, there’s one sort of decoration you can’t forget about. You’ve guessed it, we’re talking about Christmas trees! If you have a fir tree in your garden, you can wrap it up in fairy lights for a stunning look, but how about creating a Christmas tree out of different materials? A great example is using wooden panels or boards, to create the shape of a fir tree, cutting them diagonally and each panel getting smaller than the one below them. You will have to fixate them to a longer wooden panel, which will serve as the trunk of the tree. Then paint your Christmas tree in the colour of your choice and wrap fairy lights around them.

5. A Rustic Ambience – A Christmas Window Pane

Here’s a simple idea on how to decorate your garden for Christmas! You will have to find an old wooden window frame for this idea, or another idea is to build one by yourself out of wood! Then it’s time to attach leaves, sprigs of berries, holly and pinecones to the frame. You can also attach a bird to the frame as a piece of extra decor. This outdoor Christmas decoration is perfect for anyone who is searching for a rustic ornament!

6. A Flowerpot Snowman – Cute and Funny

Something you might build during winter if there’s any snow is a snowman! Taking this into consideration, you can build a snowman in your garden, but instead of making it out of actual snow, use flowerpots! Stack them on each other, fixating them with a glue gun. Then it’s time to paint over them, using white paint for the body of the snowman and coating the top pot in black, for the snowman’s hat. Draw the face on the snowman. You can also add some buttons and a scarf to it!

7. Wrapping a Gift – Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

When you think of Christmas, what image pops into your mind almost immediately? Perhaps it’s a Christmas tree or ornaments, but maybe its Christmas presents! If you thought of Christmas gifts, why not wrap up your front door to resemble a gift box? You will have to attach some fabric to your door, one layer of fabric running vertically up the door, the other horizontally. As a finishing touch, attach a large bow to where the two pieces of fabric meet. Your front door will be ready for Christmas with this decorative look!

8. Snow Ball Luminaries – Stunning and Amazing

Make sure that you decorate the sides of your pathway. A fantastic idea would be to add some sort of lighting to it, in order to illuminate the way leading to your house at night. Keeping in the Christmas spirit, you can use snowballs as inspiration for creating some lights. Firstly, you will have to create some fake snowballs. Then, stack and glue them on each other, as if they were clumps of snow. In the middle of each clump, you need to place a lamp or some lights. This will look amazing during the night!

9. Stacks of Gifts – Easy Outdoor Christmas Decorating Ideas

Create a Christmas atmosphere right next to your front door! You can accomplish this by creating two large stacks of presents, lining both sides of your front door. Make the presents out of simple cardboard boxes and covering them in wintery wrapping paper. Then, stack the boxes on each other, fixating them to one another as well. Hopefully, you will be able to create two Christmas present topiaries, one for each side of your front door. In between them, don’t forget to place a welcome mat that has a Christmas vibe!

10. Christmas Reindeers – A Wonderful Christmas Ornament

Put together a Christmas atmosphere on your porch, which will look perfect for the season. Organise and arrange ornaments inside of a wooden box, creating a miniature environment. Turn the wooden box to one of its sides, placing artificial moss or fir leaves on the bottom of it. Then add some small reindeer statues to it. You can hang some glowing Christmas tree ornaments from the top of the box, to create some spectacular lighting. Feel free to get creative and inventive with this idea!

11. A Very Merry Environment – Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

You might want to decorate the whole of your front porch or terrace with some festive Christmas decor! If so, why not add a little of everything to your porch? Some large lanterns with Christmassy bows on them on the floor, a Christmas tree next to them, plaid cushions on the seats and wreaths on the door and windows. By adding all sorts of Christmas decorations to your porch, you will lend the whole garden and house a Christmas ambience.

12. A Melting Snowman – Fun and Fantastic

You may be in search of a funny idea for the Christmas season. Why not create a melting snowman, which you can place next to your front door or on your garden path? You can either put the melting snowman together out of cotton wool or fake snow. There are a lot of tutorials online on how to make fake snow. Then dress up your snowman, with a hat, scarf and buttons! This is a perfect decoration to use during a Christmas when it doesn’t snow!

13. A Basket Filled with Ornaments – Simple and Stylish

Some hanging baskets filled with all sorts of Christmas ornaments will uplift the whole vibe of your porch! Firstly, you will need to create small baskets which you can hang from different parts of your porch. Fill the baskets with fir leaves, pinecones and Christmas ornaments. Wrap fairy lights around them for a warm glow during the evenings! These baskets are not only simple to put together, but they will also help in building a Christmas ambience! You can also get many beautiful ornament ideas on this website.

14. Christmas Ornaments – Easy Outdoor Christmas Decorating Ideas

Here is another easy and simple decor idea for Christmas and the winter season! All you will need for this idea is a few empty lanterns. Fill these with Christmas tree ornaments for a stunning and decorative appearance. You can place these ornament-filled lanterns next to your front door.

15. Topsy Turvy Christmas Pots – Cute and Creative

You might have already seen some examples of topsy turvy pots. It’s a creative technique of stacking pots on each other in a funky way. You have to drill holes in the bottoms of the pots and place them all on a metal rod, which you fixate in the ground of your garden. Then it’s up to you on what you place inside of the pots or how you decorate them!

16. Light Up Your Garden – Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

Another fantastic way to get ready for Christmas is by lighting up your garden! This can come in many forms. You might use strings of fairy lights to wrap around trees or bushes in your garden. A fabulous thing you can purchase is star-shaped lights, which you can simply attach to anywhere you want. Choose yellow-tinted lights for them, as this will give your garden a warm ambience.

17. A Puddle – After the Snowman Melted

Do you like the idea of a melted snowman decorating your garden? We have already talked about creating on using fake snow. Why not create the melted puddle out of a cut-out wooden board, which is painted white. Then, you can use a foam ball for the head of the snowman. Place some mittens on the wooden board and decorating the melting snowman in any way you’d like.

18. Joy to the World – Decorative Buckets

If you are in search of a cheap and easy idea for decorating your porch steps for Christmas, check out this idea! Place fir leaves in galvanized buckets. You can write up letters on the buckets to create words which hint at the upcoming festival. Another amazing way of uplifting these simple decorations is to wrap fairy lights around the fir leaves!

19. An Alternative to a Vase – Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

Add some rustic outdoor Christmas decoration to your garden or porch! Arrange some seasonal foliage and flowers in an alternative to a vase. Use a watering can for placing your Christmas bouquet in. You can include fir leaves, pinecones, sprigs of holly and even mistletoe in your winter floral arrangement.

20. A Welcome Sign – Let it Snow

You may be thinking about adding a welcome sign to your front door! This way you will be able to welcome any guests into your home this Christmas in a stylish manner, as well as welcoming the season! Again, you can get as creative and inventive with this idea as you’d like as long as it’s connected to Christmas!

21. A Cute Christmas Train – Outdoor Christmas Decoration Ideas

Do you by any chance have some crates lying in your garden shed, which you don’t need anymore? Instead of throwing them out into the trash, reinvent and recreate them into a train. Paint them in shades of red and green, giving them a Christmassy look. You can even attach wheels to each cart or the lyrics of a Christmas song on each wagon! Then place your Christmas train anywhere in your garden or on your porch!

22. Another Welcome Sign – Perfect for Your Porch

When it comes to creating a welcome sign for your front door or to place on your porch, think about what would embody Christmas. Maybe it would be a word such as “joy”, which you could put together using Christmas colours. For example, you can use a wintery wreath for replacing the letter “o.”

23. Reusing Old Tires – Create Christmas Tree Ornaments

Check out this amazing type of Christmas decoration for your front or backyard! Recycle old car tires, by painting them! Place wooden boards on them, which cover the holes of the tires. Then paint Christmassy images on them, such as a snowflake or Christmas tree!

24. Garage Door – Easy Outdoor Christmas Decorating Ideas

Another fun idea for the festivities is to style your garage door in a Christmas design! For example, you can paint the face of a snowman on it or just attach cut-out cardboard bits and pieces to it. Naturally, you can try out a Santa Claus design as well! Or stick snowflakes on your garage door as another option!

25. A Fir Elf – Cute and Unique

There are loads of unique ways you can create some outdoor Christmas decor. A simple and cute idea is put together a pile of fir leaves. Place an elf hat on top of the fir leaves and create a small nose for it out of a pompom. So give this idea a try this Christmas!

Perhaps you are still in search of other decoration ideas for Christmas time! After all, you will want to make your home look fabulous! Keeping this in mind, check out our other ideas concerning Christmas, such as other outdoor decorations for Christmas or Christmas living room ideas.

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