
Monday, March 24, 2025
DesignInterior Design


Get ready for summer! Summer is a time of relaxing a little bit and going on holidays! You might take a trip to the nearest beach or lake or you might plan a vacation with friends or family. Naturally, if you have a bit of time at home during the afternoons or on the weekends, you might also do some gardening! It’s important to channel a summery vibe in your garden! After all, you will probably spend a lot of afternoons or nights in your garden, so it would be great if you covered your garden fully in this ambience. Check out our 30 garden decoration ideas for summer and find something special!

1. Reimagine Old Cans – Bursts of Colour

If you buy preserved foods and don’t know what to do with the aluminium cans, here is an idea for you! After giving it a wash, coat the outsides of the cans in all sorts of coloured paint. Fill them with soil and plant your favourite seasonal herbs and flowers in them! You can then attach these can containers of flowers to the walls of your fences, giving them some bursts of colour!

2. Recycle Empty Wine Bottles – Outdoor Decorations for Summer

You may have a few empty wine bottles at home which are waiting to be recycled. Why not use them for decorative purposes instead? You can hang the wine bottles from a tree branch in your garden and place a few flowers in each one. This will help give your garden a lovely look!

3. Cute with a Water Can – Adding Some Lights

There are a lot of unique ways you can add some lighting to your garden, but here is a super cute idea! Attach one water can to a pole that is right above a flower bed. Instead of filling your water can with water, add strings of fairy lights to its holes, as if they were pouring out of it. This is definitely an effortless idea for anyone who wants something cute yet easy.

4. Bending Spoons – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

An awesome material to create small ornaments is no other than spoons! You can bend spoons to create all sorts of shapes, characters, and animals! Depending on your style, you can create a miniature scene in your garden using spoons as inspiration!

5. A Cup of Tea – A Creative Bird Feeder

Feed the birds which land in your garden by making a bird feeder for them! Attach a teacup to a tree or a table in your garden, which you fill with seeds. Above it, you can place a teapot, as if it were pouring out the seeds for the birds! This will help give your bird feeder, as well as your garden, an elegant look.

6. Blossoming Birdcages – Stunning and Spectacular

Check out this innovative and creative garden decoration for summer! Place small pots of flowers in bird cages. Then all you need to do is hang the birdcages from various parts of your garden. For example, from your fence or a branch of a tree. Then allow your flowers to blossom during the season! Naturally, it’s up to you on what sort of plants you want to plant in your birdcages!

7. Alternative to a Flower Bed – Fantastic and Funky

If you want to envelop your whole garden in an array of flowers, then make sure you do it! But instead of opting for flower beds, why not try out one or more alternatives to them? For example, if you have an unused chair, take the seat of it and place a container inside. Fill the container with soil, then feel free to plant your flowers in it! Substituting a flower bed with a chair is actually a fantastic idea!

8. A Blossoming Chandelier – Summer Garden Ideas

Get ready for summer with some floral ornaments! This might come in the form of creating a chandelier out of potted flowers. You will have to glue the pots to the ends of the chandelier, just like in the example above, this way creating one which is filled with blossoming flowers! You can hang this from the ceiling of your terrace!

9. Hanging Candles – For a Romantic Ambience

Do you want to create a romantic ambience in your garden? If you seem to spend a lot of your nights sitting and relaxing in your garden, then check out this awesome idea! Place candles in mason jars, then hang them from tree branches. You can light these up at night. The warm light of the candles will help channel that dim-lit and dreamy atmosphere you are searching for!

10. Painting Stones – Adorable Stone Ladybugs

Here is a cheap and easy idea for you to try out this summer! Cover some stones in colourful paint. After allowing them to dry, it’s time to paint heads on the pebbles including their two eyes. Then paint a black line in the middle and add dots to both sides of the line. When you’re done you will have some colourful little ladybugs which you can place amongst your flower beds!

11. Kettles and Cooking Pots – Flower Containers

Another amazing way of creating an alternative to flower containers is by using any old kettles and cooking pots. Use these as flowerpots, filling them with soil, then planting your choice of herbs or flowers in them! You will be able to place these anywhere in your garden and they will lend the whole environment an adorable look!

12. Colourful Birdhouses – Summer Garden Ideas

Perhaps you are in search of awesome ways to uplift your fence! Why not place small and colourful birdhouses all over one of your fences? This will not only perk up your fence and garden but also provide a home for any birds which need one!

13. Recycle Old Car Tires – Cheap and Fabulous

There are so many ways to decorate your garden when it concerns using recycled materials! For example, you can use old car tires to decorate your garden! All you need to do is paint over the car tires. You can use these as planters and alternatives to flower beds. Using paint, you can even create unique patterns on the tires or make them into animals!

14. A Ray of Happiness – Yellow and Warm

Yellow is a happy colour, which exudes optimism and sunshine. So why not use it for your summer garden decoration? A fantastic idea is to coat an old bicycle in yellow paint and place it somewhere in your garden. You can plant some yellow flowers inside of the front basket of the bike for that extra burst of sunshine!

15. Fun with Car Tires – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

We have talked about using old car tires as planters for your flowers or herbs. Coat them in vibrant colours of paint to create fun-looking planters which you can place all around your front or backyard!

16. Overflowing with Flowers – Gorgeous and Refined

Take a look at this gorgeous idea! You will need to lay down a clay vase or pot in your garden, tilting it to the side. Fill this pot or vase with soil, planting some flowers inside of it as well as planting flowers outside of it. This will create the image of a pot overflowing with flowers. It might take some time for your flowers to grow out and blossom, but when it happens, it’s going to be completely worth it!

17. A Tower of Flowers – Outdoor Decorations for Summer

Here is another idea you can get ready for summer with! Do you have any old flowerpots laying around in your garden shed? Stack them on top of each other creating a tower of flowers! Drill a hole in each pot and slide a metal rod through these holes. This trick will assist in placing them on top of each other. Now all you must do is fill each one with good quality soil and plant the flowers in them.

18. Pots with Legs – Funny Garden Ideas

Get creative with the pots in which you plant your flowers! You might decide on purchasing a few which have legs growing out of them, not literally, of course!

19. Wine Bottle Variation – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

If you like the idea of using empty wine bottles for garden ornaments, check out this variation! You can grow some sorts of ivy or climbing plants inside of the bottles. Hang the bottles from tree branches. This will not only look beautiful, but it will allow the plants to climb up towards the tree!

20. Hanging Mason Jars – Simplistic and Pretty

Decorate your garden with these small yet beautiful ornaments. You will have to still metal poles into your garden’s ground, which have hooks on them. Attach mason jars to these hooks, in which you pour a bit of water. Then you can place bouquets of flowers in them for a stunning and summery vibe. This will serve as a lovely way of decorating the sides of your garden path.

21. Painted Mason Jars – Colourful and Vibrant

There are countless ways you can bring some colour and vibrance to your garden! If you don’t want to spend too much money on summer decorations, then why not simply get yourself an array of mason jars and coat them with colourful paint? You can use these as vases, placing them around various parts of your garden.

22. Reinventing Plastic Bottles – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

Reinvent the purpose of plastic bottles! Recycle them to create flower planters. You will have to cut out one of the sides of the bottle, creating a gap in which you can pour soil and plant flowers. You can hang the plastic bottles from your terrace ceiling, just like in the example above.

23. Busy Little Bees – Design and Decorate Flower Pots

Use bees as inspiration for your summer garden decor! Coat your flower pots in yellow paint and spiral a yarn around the pot. This will create a honeycomb if you turn it upside down, which is no other than a house for bees! You can then cut bees out of paper and attach them to the flower pot!

24. Spectacular Snails – Outdoor Decorations for Summer

If you’ve always been fascinated by the shell that snails wear on their backs, then use them as an idea for your summer garden decor! Paint colourful spirals on rocks, creating the look of these snail shells. Then place these rocks around any parts of your garden. They will assist in adding a few bursts of colour and fun to your front or backyard!

25. Farmhouse Feels – Awesome Wall Planters

Maybe you have always loved farmhouse or rustic designs when it comes to home and garden decor. Decorate any of your fences or the outer walls of your house with some wall planters! You can create them out of old furniture, for example, an unused drawer! Reimagining and recycling old furniture will help in creating a vintage and rustic vibe.

26. A Ladder of Flowers – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

Here is another cute and simple way of uplifting your garden! Place a small wooden ladder next to one of your walls or fences. Then all you need to do is put a pot of flowers of each step of the ladder. This summer decor will spruce up your garden with an earthy and natural ambience.

27. Painting the Containers – Fun and Funky

Do you have any large metal containers in your garden? You might use them for collecting rainwater to water your garden with or for planting your favourite flowers and herbs in. Whatever you use your containers for, why not decorate them, by painting them in unique colours? You can paint faces on them, creating characters out of your containers!

28. Front Door Decor – Summer Garden Ideas

While there are numerous ways of decorating your garden, but you might also be in search of summer door decorations! Get an amazing wreath for your door, with which you can invite summer into your heart and into your home! Get creative with this and make sure that whatever wreath you design, that it screams summer!

29. Bicycle Flowers – Creativity at Its Best

Play around with your creativity and bring out the best of it! You might decide on adding a few flowers to your garden, but not actual ones. Create some metal flowers out of the wheels of any unused or old bikes! You will have to attach the wheels to metal rods or poles, then stick them in the ground, so that the wheels are facing the sky! You can paint the bikes in radiant and vibrant colours and attach cut-out leaves to the bicycle flowers’ “stems”.

30. Tire Wall Planters – Garden Decoration Ideas for Summer

We have already mentioned that using old car tires is an amazing way of recycling old materials! You can use car tires for creating wall planters that you can place on your garden fence. Then pour soil into them and plant the flowers of your choice!

We hope that you found inspiration amongst our pick of garden decoration ideas for summer. If you need any other ideas concerning garden decorations then check out how to get your garden summer-ready!

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