
Friday, March 28, 2025

4 Relaxing Bath Ideas During this Pandemic

“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” -Sylvia Plath

Some enjoy it more than others, while some do it out of pure necessity. A relaxing bath can be the cherry on top for a wonderful day or the cleansing refresh from a tiring night. Baths can be done in many ways with different goals.

Here is a shortlist of relaxing bath ideas to make your pandemic cleansing a bit more serene.

Timing Your Sleep Baths

We each have our schedules that revolve around individual lifestyles. If you’re planning to have a scheduled bath time then science has a suggestion.

Based on a study there is a direct relationship between temperature and insomnia. This means that the temperature of your body can dictate the quality and quantity of your sleep. This is a big reason why a goodnight’s sleep is often associated with a cool ambiance.

With this information, you can maximize baths and help your chances of having a good rest. Having your warm and relaxing bath a few hours before you plan to sleep will help you fall asleep faster.

As mentioned in the study and other sources, falling asleep involves slowing down the heartbeat and matching a certain temperature. A warm bath increases blood circulation and can keep your heart beating a tad bit faster.

Investing in a Bathtub

Pretty much everyone knows the feeling of lying down in your pool of relaxation. Most people view bathtubs as a luxury and only for hotels or mansions. To the surprise of most people, you can get these wonderful waterbeds for your home.

Getting a tub may come at a hefty price but in exchange, you get your bathtub. Something that excites most children at a hotel and even tired adults.

Free-standing bathtubs no matter the design aim to provide you with a nice relaxing bath. It gets you into a comfortable and peaceful position. Dipping and soaking yourself into a wonderful tub of water can only be described as “bliss”.


Bathing practices are very dependent on the geological location and the local culture. Different people around the world have specifics when it comes to bathing. For the USA a simple shower may be standard, while Japan has special exfoliating cloths that are used to scrape dead skin.

Exfoliation is a common practice in Asian countries. This is often accomplished with a special cloth, smooth rock, or a loofah in conjunction with some soap. It is all about getting rid of every bit of dirt and dead skin.

Exfoliation involves feeling as fresh and clean as a newborn child. Some exfoliation practices involve oil or other bath products and can be very painful.

All in all, exfoliation provides a new kind of experience for a relaxing bath adventure.

Random Shower Thoughts into Meditation

Whether you plan to rap along to a beat or simply recall memories, a shower is a wonderful time for you to take it all in. Instead of randomly wandering through your core memories or regrets, you can set a ritual.

You can use this time to meditate on the day or week that you had, thinking about all the good things, bad things, regrets, and even laughable moments.

Physically cleaning yourself while also doing some mental and emotional maintenance is hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. Cleansing in more ways than one might help you achieve a happier and more peaceful mindset. After all, relaxing isn’t all about physical experiences.

Key Takeaways

We all do things in our ways with our little twists. We can make sandwiches with a smiley face, cut crust, or special spreads. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference.

Getting our special experience comes with time and experimentation. After all, it’s almost impossible to have a eureka moment and come up with a new experience without experimenting.

During the global pandemic, a lot of us have lost time and opportunities for new experiences. We can’t go out with our friends or have mass gatherings. As tough as it may be, we can still try to make old experiences better.

In a way, it’s kind of like having a new adventure through the reinventing and reimagination of old habits. For this pandemic revisit our 5 ideas to give you a more relaxing and serene bath.

  1. Timing Your Sleep Baths
  2. Investing in a Bathtub
  3. Exfoliation
  4. Random Shower Thoughts into Meditation

These are simple yet interesting suggestions that might spark some life into an old chore.

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