
Friday, March 28, 2025

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Concrete Floors

Almost all industrial floors are cast from concrete, which is the most suitable material for casting the production floor. Concrete has a fairly large number of advantages on many other materials, but there are also some disadvantages that can be addressed with special modern technologies and mixtures.

The main advantages of the concrete floor:

– naturalness and eco-friendliness, allows you to use this material for casting floors in buildings and premises for any purpose;

– the absence of dust, even in intensive use, does not cause harm to human respiratory organs. But only with special surface treatment;

– resistance to water and aggressive chemicals. Even under the influence of acid and chemical substances, the concrete floor does not lose its characteristics;

– does not inflammable. This type of floor is not afraid of fires and strong fire;

– due to its monolithic nature, the concrete floor does not penetrate into moisture and harmful microorganisms;

– High durability. On average, it can be used from 20 to 30 years, without repair.

All these positive qualities are possible only after special treatment of the industrial concrete contractor. The untreated concrete itself, even of very good quality, is washed away quickly enough, especially in the production facilities where heavy machinery is constantly driving and a large number of people pass through. Rapid wear and tear leads to the formation of dust, which impairs the health of workers. The surface of concrete floor can be quickly processed by special grout machines, after which it is impregnated with special hardening mixtures. Compositions, which are processed industrial floors, differ in their characteristics, method of treatment and cost. Some of them completely impregnate the floor structure and change its basic characteristics, while others create a thin protective layer on the surface, which takes all the wearing loads on itself. Mixtures and impregnations of the first type are much more expensive and the processing with their help is more difficult, but in the end the concrete becomes much stronger and more durable.

Despite the many advantages and modern processing technology, the concrete floor has some disadvantages.

The main disadvantages of modern concrete floors:

– A small selection of colors. The number of colors in which to paint the floor is not rich, because too bright shades can not convey their color on concrete;

– before pouring you need a fairly complex and time-consuming surface preparation, which takes a lot of time;

– under direct sunlight, the painted concrete floor loses its color and becomes very dim;

– if it is necessary to remove the coating, serious difficulties will arise.

Summing up, we can say with certainty that the advantages of this type of coating is much more than the disadvantages. If you take the usual concrete floor, which is not tapping, it will be very cheap and quickly wearing out. But treated with a special mixture, it will be much more expensive, but also much more durable, stable and beautiful.

I would like to note that in order to achieve maximum durability and resistance to wear during pouring or laying, it is necessary to fully adhere to the technology and very carefully prepare the surface. Such work should be done not by amateurs, but by professional builders with extensive experience in performing such work, then high quality will be guaranteed.

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