
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
DesignInterior Design

Bedroom Interior Design and Color Ideas for Healthy Sleep

Ideas for Healthy Sleep

A recent study on the relation of the color of the interior design of the bedroom and the quality of sleep and amount of sex people are doing has been launched and the results are ready to amaze us. Briefly, they show us that the people who sleep longest and have the most quality dreams have their bedroom painted in blue colors and the people who are having the most sex have their bedrooms in caramel colors.

Yes, we have to admit that while the lights are turned off there is nothing to see about the color of the bedroom, but it turns out that it influences us somehow right before the room becomes dark.

One of the interesting facts is that a random hotel has been involved in the survey and the results showed was that people prefer to take blue colored hotel rooms more often that the others. The reason for this choice is not something that will surprise us. From long time ago people have been associating blue color with calmness because of its existence in nature – oceans, sky, etc. Human mind creates connection between the feelings the color provokes when seen and its appearance afterwards no matter where.

They key for this interpretation is hidden in human eye. Ganglion cells in the retina are the most sensitive to the blue color. They send information to brain centers that control the 24-hour rhythms and this signals affect the way people perform and feel. As a result, 58 percent of the people that tool the survey say that sleeping in blue colored bedroom wakes them up happy and full of energy. The second most preferable color for the bedroom interior is the yellow. It stimulates the nervous system, calms the nerves and relaxes the body as general. Of course, it all depends on the shade of yellow and here we have to pay attention to warm yellow color.

Blue and white bedroom color ideas for Healthy Sleep

Another good choice is green. This is the color of positive emotions and calmness and if you paint your bedroom in such a color you will find how happy you will wake up. Suprisingly silver turns out to be very suitable for a bedroom interior design. There are suggestions that imitates moonlight and this is a signal to the brain that it is time for sleep. And it is not only a good color for a healthy sleep. Above 20 % of the people say that they are more motivated to do exercises in a bedroom of such color.

Orange can be used as a digestive – it stimulates metabolism, and is very good for a place where you want to have a deep and relaxing rest. The survey shows that it relaxes muscles and helps you fall asleep more quickly.

Grey as a modern trend didn’t succeed to impress us in the survey. People who sleep in grey colored bedroom interior design are not the happiest ones after a night. It also shows that grey bedroom occupants spend more hours for online shopping in bed. And in combination with brown you will get a bedroom that may depress you and make you feel emotionally isolated. If your bedroom is in such combination of colors – change it!

If you are a person that often works in bed you are maybe a person that has either brown or white bedroom interior design. The survey shows that these colors are the most preferred among workaholics. Purple bedrooms performed the worst for sleep. On average, people in purple bedrooms get five hours and 56 minutes per night.

And the worst color you can choose for your bedroom is purple. The average sleep time that people in such bedrooms have is 5 hours and 56 min per night. Contrary to the image of purple as a color that demonstrates elegancy, lux and aesthetics, it simply can’t affect the human mind and put it in a sleep mode. It affects brain centers that stimulate the nervous system and prepares it for competition. And you wont be able to sleep on a competition, will you?

And now we have to talk about sex. Yes. Couples in caramel colored bedroom tend to have sex more than three times a week. Enough. You may repaint you bedroom now and send us feedback if things have changed 🙂

And more suprisingly is the results that red colors achieved. It is thought to be the color of passion and love, but couples that live in red bedrooms say that they are having sex only once a week. So, after you browse all the images, we will be happy to hear your opinion in our comments section below. What color is your bedroom and how do you feel about it?

Bedroom Interior Design - Cozy bedroom in warm green colors for Healthy Sleep

See the other images of the project by clicking them below:

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