
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Breathtaking Eclectic Modern House in Oregon, USA

Eclectic Modern House

Eclectic at its finest! This is how we can describe the amazing combination of styles used in the interior design of this fantastic modern 1151 Crenshaw residence in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Gorgeous sights and views are opened in front of one’s eyes when he enters this property. Speechless we stay when we go to the roof terrace that is the perfect place for warm and long relaxing summer nights with fine chilling music and some nice low alcoholic drinks. When you spend your time there in the exciting modern and cozy interior filled with exquisite cedar furniture, you are entering a magical state, hiding away from time and space in their traditional perception, and observing the cycle of life playing its fantastic game in front of your eyes. Impressive it is, isn’t it?

Brilliant synchronization between traditional and contemporary styles draw the unique environment in the residence. Coziness has been achieved in on the most popular ways – by placing a fireplace as an accent of the interior. On the floor the designers chose to use cedar as well as for the most of the furniture.

We have to admit that one of the most impressive and remarkable places in the property is the huge windows in the main bedroom. They are the portal to other dimension full of sunlight and positive energy. This boundary point between inner and outer world has almost sacred value. Because it enlightened your mornings no matter what is the season outside. It allows sunlight to enter your peaceful resting place and welcome you for the first time of the day. In the living room one can find hanging lighting that looks very much alike the ones, used in Scandinavian type of interior design. Here you can feel the warm balance between wood and steel.

Wooden Dining Table - Breathtaking Eclectic Modern House in Oregon, USA

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