
Monday, March 31, 2025
Home Improvement

Everything you should know about pest control nowadays

From time to time unexpected guests in the form of insects – ants, pantry woodlice, silverfish, bed bugs, etc. visit every family. The ways of their removal are not always expensive and difficult. In this article, you can find when you should request pest extermination service and how to get rid of pests on your own.

There are numerous chemical sprays and powders for insects’ control, but you cannot always use them in the house. It is not recommended to use chemicals in the houses where children and pets live as well as in the places where food is stored. In this case, you can fight the insects with much softer methods. It will be enough to use the remedies which are available in the kitchen of every housewife. You need to remember one basic rule of effective pest control: once you have detected insects you need to remove them immediately, otherwise, they will multiply rapidly in the apartment.

If ants entered your apartment, it is not that easy to get rid of them. Most of the chemicals are helpless, and if chemicals have helped for a while, then ants come again. Do you know how to control them? Do you know that ants cannot tolerate the smell of cinnamon, clove and star anise? If to spill these spices into their favourite places, they will go away and never return back. In addition, a pleasant aroma of spices will stay in your home. The same effect is from hot pepper and salt, scattered on the ant’s track. Besides, specialists advise cleaning your apartments with acetic water to scare you. Another useful tip from our advisers: if ants come into your house, you should never leave food crumbs and spilled sugar, as they adore food products.

Woodlice like humidity, so their hideout places are the bathroom and toilet, even if they are clean. Woodlice movements resemble floating fish and they move extremely fast. How to deal with them? Woodlice do not stand flavours. Pest controllers advise aromatizing your bathroom and toilet with smells of lemon, lavender or vanilla. And the problem is solved! Aromatic oils are perfect for these purposes. A few drops on a piece of fleece in the bathroom do the trick. In a few days, woodlice walk away.

If food or clothes moth has settled in your house it will make numerous nests and bring a lot of problems. First, about the food moth. As a rule, you bring it home with products from the store. You can find it mainly in flour, bread crumbs, rice and other similar products. It can also be found in dried fruits, chocolate, nuts and mushrooms. You will find its feces and fibres in the products affected with a moth. They will not cause you any harm if you accidentally eat them, but it may cause allergic reactions. You should fight them when the first signs of moth presence in the house were detected otherwise they occupy all your pantry or cupboard with food. How to fight it? Moth cannot tolerate the smell of laurel. Experts say that it is enough to put a few leaves in the cupboard and they will leave you alone. Fresh lavender effectively deals with clothes moth. Link it in small bunches and hang it around the closet.

We hope that these professional recommendations will help you to combat insects in your house.

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