
Friday, March 28, 2025

Garden Furniture Ideas for a Dream Place of Relaxation

Every season has its charm, but I think most beloved of all of us is the summer, right?
Just waiting for the sun to lift the mood and we start with obvious pleasure to dig through cupboards and wardrobes to look for summer outfits from the last year for a start, and then we rush headlong into any stores to get more and more clothes in bright colors…

Not bad, shopping certainly act as a therapy against any depression, especially perhaps for winter ones. Once you have taken care of yourself, we transfer our ideas on summer makeover for the home and the cottage…
What about the garden? Do not you think that the garden has its own small dreams for new summer clothes?

Yes, the cares for it costing a lot of effort, while revealing all its beauty, but what do you say to think together, at least for the its summer accessories!
As we said, the garden is modest and its dreams are small, respectively – small investments. And at least cost to the family budget the decorating different corners with fabrics – light as a breeze, enchanting and colorful as the rainbow, with bright colors, competing the color variety of flowering shrubs and flowers.

Not to mention that to realize this idea, will testify also and the exquisite taste of the owners – in fact, recognition is not necessary to look for when your own experiences and good emotions will be more than enough.

And also – with different tissues and materials at hand can be made yet a cozy romantic nooks for relaxing … on shade!
You only need to choose a fabric that matches the furniture on the porch or in the garden area, and then began “the cutting”, and the shaping of the summer garden “dress”.
For example, the curtains in soft pastel colors and translucent fabrics for patio would create a feeling of staying at a five star resort. Fabrics in bright colors will not only create a mood, but it will imitate quite successful the themes of the tales of Scheherazade.

However, you want more shade – then put the fabric first as graceful canopy on the outdoor terrace, and at the bottom, it will descend casually to create more intimacy in this area. For a frame of makeshift canopy can serve even simply fixed wooden stakes or branches of a nearby tree.

If you have a gazebo, with an ease you can garnish it with curtains in your taste, but if you do not have one, do not despair because there is always an alternative. For example, four metal or wooden stakes connected with rope, borrowed from the clothesline, and these curtains can be attached directly with pegs on the top and onside!

Once, back in time, on the beaches shade was achieved in this way – with pegs and sheets! Well, something similar can be done now; and this will surely look quite attractive, although there is little nostalgic spirit.

But even only for mood, can be placed different kinds of colored fabrics as a screen separating areas for breakfast or afternoon coffee in the garden.
In fact, we are sure that we already provoked you to create your own ideas for summer dress of the garden, but still, look for reference points in our gallery!

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