
Monday, March 31, 2025
DesignInterior Design

Gardening Gadgets That Save You Time or Energy

When you garden on the weekends and here and there early weekday evenings, you quickly notice that it can get pretty physically demanding at times. Whether you’re on your hands and knees planting seeds after raking over some soil and pulling out any remaining weeds or something equally demanding, it’s more involved than it looks to a non-gardener.

Using a few more gardening gadgets to make your life in the garden a little easier isn’t a bad idea. Let’s look at a few that might help.

Streamlined Lawn Management

Cutting the grass isn’t that difficult, but trimming along the edges and around areas of soil situated in the middle of a lawn isn’t so easy. Purchasing an electric strimmer takes the fuss out of the task without the need to use garden shears. Protect your plants by using the front guard to avoid accidentally cutting the stems of your plants as you trim the lawn edges and keep your feet safe at the same time too. One of the best and most effective strimmers on the market currently is the grass strimmer by VonHaus which is only £14.99 on Amazon.

Blossom Water Controller

The Blossom Water Controller is a system that hooks into multiple weather reports to optimise the best time to water your plants. The idea here is to reduce water usage by letting nature provide its own watering system on rainy days which reduces the times when you have to tap the local water system to give your plants what they need.

The system will hook into existing sprinklers. Set up different zones throughout your garden and regulate how much watering is needed in different patches of soil. Avoid overwatering plants that need only a little water and recoup the cost of the device through water bill savings over time.

The Green IQ Smart Garden Hub is another option to optimise water management to ensure you use the least amount of water in your garden. It also uses weather data online to improve its efficiency levels to save gardeners’ money.

Edyn Garden Sensor

Have you ever wondered how rich your soil is in the nutrients that your plants or vegetables need to grow strong and healthily? Well wonder no more because the Edyn Garden Sensor which gets pushed straight into the earth can assess the soil, the light that reaches the plants at their height level, and numerous other statistics that are useful to avid gardeners.

Being able to monitor the progress of flowers or vegetable patches by understanding temperatures, light, nutrition levels in the soil, humidity, and moisture provides a complete picture. Soil can be replaced when it’s low quality and low light conditions may be addressed by removing overhanging vines or other impediments to further growth.

Gardening is getting an overhaul currently thanks to new technology. Whether you want to be smart about the UK’s rainfall and use it to your advantage to water your vegetables and plants, or just save time in your garden management, there are plenty of snazzy gadgets that’ll help you out. Using your smartphone, apps too can make it simple to manage your garden from your office.

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