
Friday, March 28, 2025
Home Improvement

Get A Plant Delivery To Brighten Up Your Home

Walking around a garden center or a home depot and seeing the shelves lined up with pots filled with lush green plants, makes us feel good, and the great thing is you can have that feeling at home too.

The only problem is knowing which plant variety is best suited to your home, your design aesthetic, or even the area you want to spruce up, if it was up to some of us we would take one of each but living in a jungle may not be for everyone. So how do you choose?

Picking your plant.

There are a few factors you can look into before making any decisions or purchases, some more necessary than others, but it makes the process that much easier. Let’s take a quick look at some points to consider during your plant picking process.

  • Problems. If you are ordering online from specialized businesses such as Planted Pot the company will essentially be doing the checking over and scrutinizing before delivering any products to you, this also gives you a guarantee it will be of good quality. If, however, you are at the shop, make sure to see that the plant is not damaged or dying in any way and shows no signs of infection.
  • Placement. Think about where you want to have your plants, the lighting, how much light the plant needs, and the sizing to balance the room. A pot too small could disappear and be swallowed by the room, a plant too big could overpower the design, and so try to keep a good plant to room ratio while thinking of the future and the size it will grow to.
  • Container. Make sure the vessel you choose for the fern or snake plant is a heavy material, ceramic or stone is good, and that it has a drainage hole to prevent soggy soil and root rot.
  • Option. The best part of picking a plant is choosing its style, do you like voluminous or big leaves, tight and upright, or an exotic variety to spice things up in the home. If you have the space and means to go all out, do it, you only live once, and if being surrounded by bamboo plants and bonsai has been a dream of yours then that is what you should buy.

The plus side of plants and greenery.

Having an array of green leaves scattered meticulously around the house gives a wonderful sense of warmth, making a simple house a home.

They not only look good but have natural purifying properties making them great for a cleaner environment and even more so for families with members who have allergies. If someone in your family is prone to a stuffy nose and watery eyes then take a moment to read this article for some tips on how to grow and which plants are a good option to have around.

Learning how to care for your foliage.

So you have gotten your plant delivery, you have placed and arranged them all over the house which now looks like it comes out of a décor magazine and now the work begins. Maintaining plants may look easy and for some it is, but for others like me who seem to kill every plant imaginable down to the hardy cactus, we could use some help.

After careful research and listening to the advice from friends who seem to have the green-finger skill mastered, there is a foundation of methods you can implement, and a maintenance regime to add to your lifestyle that requires little effort with maximum results.

As mentioned, a good pot is your starting point and can be the difference between your plant drowning or thriving, add to that a good potting soil filled with nutrients and fertilizer and you are halfway there.

Learn about the plant you have, its light necessity, direct or indirect sunlight, and the amount of water to keep it healthy, too little or too much of either is a learning curve and with time you will find the balance. An interesting read in this link will help you along the way, with tips and tricks in managing them and recognizing symptoms, your home will be blooming before you know it.

Keep an eye on your pet, this is not a point many people even think about but animals like plants too. They may enjoy the feel of the leaves, the smell, and even the taste which could lead to them destroying it in their enthusiasm, it is best to keep them away from the plants or train them to enjoy them from a distance.

All in all.

Plants, in general, improve mental health. We could be having a bad day and as we flop down onto the sofa next to the overflowing leaf bouquet next to the side table, you simply sit and stare at how amazing nature can be.

The colors of leaves and flowers are each different from the next, the shapes and sizes cascading up and down the stem and across the branches and you feel better knowing you are responsible for keeping this plant alive and it is looking great.

They take your mind off of everyday stresses, if even only for a moment, and if each day is filled with only a moment of bliss, then I’d say having a plant is highly underrated. Those leaves can heal your soul and make the day good again.

the authoradmin