
Friday, March 28, 2025
Home Improvement

How An Adjustable Bed Can Enhance Your Sleep Routine

After a busy day, shutting down for the night sounds amazing. However, as tempting as it is to close your eyes and allow your consciousness to slip away for a few hours, some might consider this a dream; it’s too good to be true. Because despite how ‘simple’ falling asleep is for you, there are those who struggle with it a lot.

Whether it’s due to your sleep environment or health conditions that keep you from sleeping, these are just a brief overview of the root causes of many sleep problems. But as everyone knows, sleep is vital to one’s health. If it’s affected in any way, your overall health is at risk. So, to help resolve this issue, experts have created different solutions. And one of them is adjustable beds.

What Are Adjustable Beds?

Much like your typical bed, adjustable beds are great examples of advancements in technology. Powered by electricity, users have complete control over them. With this much control, people are granted different features provided by various manufacturers. So, if you and your friend bought an adjustable bed from different manufacturers, you’re likely to find a few perks that are different from your friend’s.

However, although they’re sold by Sleep.8 and various furnishing stores, their purpose remains the same: to ensure its user is well-rested. To achieve this, you can control the bed frame using a remote to angle your upper and lower body better, particularly your head and knees. After all, if you haven’t noticed yet, neglecting these parts could easily impact your sleep quality. But in what ways can adjustable beds help with your sleep?

1, Lessen Snoring

While it may sound harmless, snoring too much in your sleep could signify something far more life-threatening. Snoring occurs when your muscles get so relaxed that the tissues at the back of your throat ‘collapse.’

Aptly named obstructive sleep apnea, this condition leads to your airway getting blocked off. Since your throat is where air typically flows through, having this blocked off will cause you to snore. But despite sleeping in a hypoallergenic bedroom, snoring leaves you vulnerable to different complications, such as:

  • Behavior problems
  • High risk of high blood pressure
  • Diabetes

Despite how alarming these health conditions are, experts have discovered a simple solution: elevation. But instead of resting your head on a stacked pillow, choose an adjustable bed that can elevate your upper body completely without any discomfort from down below. With your head lifted, there’s no extra weight distributed to your windpipe that triggers snoring.

2, Ease Back Pain

Whether it’s due to age, stress, health conditions, or all of the above, back pain can happen to anyone. Since most people sleep lying on their backs, you can see how back pain is likely to disturb one’s sleep. However, finding the ‘most comfortable’ position to sleep would be a whole other endeavor because it hurts to move.

Because your back hurts, the only reason you’re having trouble with sleeping positions is to find one that brings enough relief to tide you over until you need to wake up. Rather than waste precious seconds tossing and turning in bed, all you have to do is adjust your bed using the remote. Just like before, it’s highly recommended that you raise your head. But this time, you should also elevate your feet, especially if the pain’s concentrated on your lower back.

3, Soothe Joint Pain

Have you ever felt your joints grinding together as soon as you start moving? That’s most likely due to uneven pressure distribution all over your body. Because of this, circulation won’t flow throughout properly, leaving you aching. However, with a simple press of a button, the adjustable bed already has the best sleep position on a platter without you turning to desperate measures and stacking pillows or having you twist your body too much to be comfortable.

4, Lower Digestive Discomfort

Sometimes, eating your fill could leave anyone feeling all lazy and sleepy. Therefore, more often than not, they’ll be diving under the sheets as soon as they finish their nightly routine for a great sleep ahead—or so they thought.

As mentioned earlier, people tend to sleep on their backs during their sleep, whether consciously or unconsciously. While this might be comfortable for some, sleeping on your back can ruin your normal digestion with how difficult it is for your body to process food that way. Because of this, you’re likely to experience severe stomach pains that could rouse you from sleep—or worst, trigger your acid reflux after eating a lot of sweet and salty food earlier.

To encourage better digestion and keep down stomach acid, elevate your head. However, if you aim to improve your digestion more, sleeping on your side would be great, particularly on your left side. This way, you’ll lessen any risk of heartburn while helping you maintain your weight through better digestion.

Are Adjustable Beds Worth It?

Although you see these frequent healthcare centers more, investing in an adjustable bed would be worth it. Because not only are you improving your sleep, but you’re also improving the rest of your bodily systems. Therefore, if you’ve been feeling any flare-ups across your body or have difficulty with digestion, adjustable beds will bring you back on the right track.

the authoradmin