
Friday, March 28, 2025
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Lifestyle Management Tips By Experts For Women

There are lots of lifestyle factors that can impact on your overall wellbeing and health. However, it is important to manage your lifestyle in the best possible way so that you can enjoy the benefits and make your life more meaningful, healthy and happy. With just a few small changes made in your lifestyle you can have big benefits.

Exercising on a regular basis is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • It will keep your body, muscles, heart and all other organs in your body healthy and optimally functional.
  • You will feel fresh and energized all day long thereby keeping you active and more productive helping you to make a mark in your professional life.
  • It will enhance your bone health and even prevent mood swipes both of which can help you prevent several chronic diseases.

Most of the people think that exercise can only help in weight loss and therefore women who are more or less slim avoid spending only half an hour and instead devote it on other important activities of life and family. However, experts suggest that you should also add a couple of aerobic sessions in a week if you want to lead a disease free life.

At this juncture you must remember that you should create a plan that will help you to pass beyond the three-week breakeven point once you make changes to your lifestyle as that is the time taken by any average woman to adopt a new habit.

Alcohol can raise calories

Alcohol contains high amount of calories but is low in nutrition. It may also increase the blood pressure and even cause damages to the liver if consumed in very high amount on a regular basis.

  • Ideally, women should never exceed 2 or 3 units of alcohol per day where one unit is equal to 10 ml of pure alcohol.
  • If you take wine, this measure is equivalent to a small glass of it that contains 125 ml of wine or a single measure of spirits.

Experts suggest that you should spread out your alcohol units through the week and certainly avoid binge drinking. This will result in weight gain as well as a host of other health problems. If you continue to drink more, you will overgrow your dress and have to change your dress and bra size frequently, referring to the bra size chart to find the next bigger size.

Well, you may overindulge at some time or the other but it is prudent and healthy not to make it a regular thing. Remember, there is a lot of emphasis on binge drinking, especially on the young females. According to the government guidelines for safe drinking, if you consume only one large glass of red wine of about 250 ml at home and every night, you will exceed the set guidelines.

Healthy eating is necessary

Healthy eating is very necessary for any human and if you are a woman nearing or have crossed 40 years of age, this will keep your body nourished properly. It is always best to eat a balanced diet all through so that you stay fit and fine not only at your young age as well as when you reach or cross middle age.

In your diet chart consider including a large variety of foods such as:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Starches
  • Small amounts of dairy products
  • Oily fish and
  • Meat

All these food items will provide a wide range of nutrients. Make sure that you eat regular meals as that will help you to maintain the level of your blood sugar as well as keep your energy level at the optimum.

Sleep well to live well

Sleeping well and for sufficient time will eliminate the risks of several diseases. You will need to aim to sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours every night.

  • This will enable your body to repair and renew the lost energy during the day.
  • Adequate sleep is a key factor that will determine your psychological wellbeing as well as help your immune system healthy and functional.

You may not know but when you have a sound sleep it is important for your brain. If you dream when you sleep, your brain will actually process all the events that may have happened during the day.

Therefore, it is essential for you to have a good night’s sleep as that will promote your psychological wellbeing.

Risks of smoking

If you smoke, you must quit it. Period! There is alternative to it because there are lots of dangers of smoking such as:

  • It will drain the essential vitamins and minerals from your body
  • It will affect the ability of the cells of your body to absorb food nutrients
  • It will also cause cell damage that may lead to several illnesses such as heart disease and cancer
  • It can cause asthma and ulcerative colitis
  • It can result in poor wound healing and
  • It can cause premature aging of your skin, a condition commonly called ‘smoker’s face.’

Therefore, for your own benefit and wellbeing, give up smoking if you possibly can.

Manage your stress

Stress hormones I your body should be used only at the time of emergencies. However, given the fast paced and a demanding life in this day and age, it seems that these stress hormones are activated almost all the time. This will not only have significant adverse effects on your body but will also result in continual bad temper. You should reduce your stress at all cost and there are a number of ways in which you can do that such as:

  • Tackling any issue head on without delaying
  • Having a good time out laughing or even crying with friends
  • Practice saying ‘no’ to a few things that you do not like to do
  • Pampering yourself once in a while
  • Relaxing in a bubble bath
  • Asking for help as and when required
  • Exercising on a regular basis
  • Eating a balanced and healthy diet and of course
  • Getting enough sleep at night.

All these proven steps to change your lifestyle will make you a better person as well.

the authoradmin