
Monday, March 24, 2025

All You Need to Know About Anti-Allergy Mattresses

A sound sleep plays a vital role in keeping us healthy and fit. Scientific research has proven that people who sleep less than 6-7 hours are prone to several diseases like heart attack, stroke, inflammation, obesity, depression, and high blood pressure. If you are looking for a more natural alternative to a mattress made petroleum-derived memory foam, the Pure Echo range of mattresses are made with cotton, wool and latex (naturally sourced from the rubber tree). These types of mattresses are excellent for people with a alot of allergies.

A mattress is an important element in our sleep cycle, and it can make or break our health.

There are various kinds of mattresses available on the market. A good amount of research is required to choose the one which suits all our needs. Surfing through multiple websites on the internet without knowing about the mattresses can confuse and waste a lot of time.

Many people suffer from several allergies which are caused by using the wrong mattress. Some of the symptoms are- coughing, sneezing, a runny nose, watery or itchy eyes, congestion, and fatigue. Allergies like this affect the quality of sleep to a great extent and can result in insomnia, fatigue and sleep deprivation.

These allergies can be triggered by a variety of elements-

  • Dust mites– These are tiny microscopic organisms commonly found in mattresses, pillows, furniture, curtains, and carpets. They feed on flakes from human skin and cause several health issues to people. They are a common cause of asthma in children. Dust mites also have tendencies to trigger eczema- a skin inflammation condition. Other symptoms of the dust mite allergy include- itchy eyes and throat, coughing, and difficulty breathing.
  • Pet dander– Dead skin flakes from your pet dog/cat can also cause allergies. Some of the symptoms of these allergies are coughing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes and throat. If you’re allergic to pet dander, it’s better to disallow pets in your bed/bedroom.
  • Mold and mildew– Allergies can be triggered by mold and mildew to a great extent. Humid environments lead to the growth of mildew on mattresses as they thrive on damp and warm surfaces. If left unchecked, mold can grow and spread quickly. The mattress mold can lead to several respiratory issues like asthma, lung infections, allergies, and breathing issues.
  • Materials used to manufacture mattresses– Sometimes, it’s neither dust mites nor mildew which causes allergies, but the material used in the manufacturing process which triggers these allergies. Make sure you don’t buy one you’re allergic to.

If you’re suffering from any of these allergies, then a hypoallergenic mattress should be your go-to option.

These mattresses reduce allergies and also the symptoms associated with it and hence, help you get sound and comfortable sleep. Here are some of the best hypoallergenic mattresses-

Memory Foam mattresses- These mattresses can improve the quality of sleep greatly. It usually has a layer of memory foam and springs. Their origin goes back to the 1960s, and they have been popular ever since then.

They provide relief from body pain and are manufactured with substances that are allergen resistant. It also helps us retain a body posture by supporting a good spine alignment and also reduces the pressure points in our body.

Latex mattresses- Natural sap is extracted from rubber trees and is converted into foam which is then mixed with synthetic latex. This material is used to manufacture the latex mattresses.

These mattresses are dust mite, mildew and mold resistant and hence, are quite popular worldwide. They can be easily molded to provide the perfect support and comfort required for sound sleep. If you are looking for a more natural alternative to a mattress made petroleum-derived memory foam, the Pure Echo range of mattresses are made with cotton, wool and latex (naturally sourced from the rubber tree). These types of mattresses are excellent for people with a alot of allergies.

Innerspring mattresses- These mattresses have been popular since the early 1930s due to their comfort and affordability. They come in a variety of models and styles. The mattress has three parts- the base, the core, and the upholstery layer. The base is made of great quality wool, and the core is built on top of this. The core is made of springs and coils. The top upholstery layer can be made of different types of materials like fibers or foam.

The mattresses are structured in such a way, they are sturdy and offer enough support to various kinds of sleepers. They also have hypoallergenic properties. They are resistant to dust mites, mildew, or mold. This kind of mattress prevents allergies and the symptoms associated with them.

Here are a few tips that you need to keep in mind while shopping for a new mattress-

  • Consult your doctor regarding your allergies and keep their suggestions/recommendations in mind.
  • Do some research online, gather information and make a checklist of the features that you need in a mattress.
  • Try to lie on the mattress for at least 10 minutes. This will help you to choose the right mattress.
  • Enquire if the manufacturer’s warranty or money-back guarantee is provided.
  • Choose the brands which are well established in the mattress selling industry.
  • Take time to go through the various options available on the market and choose wisely. Remember, buying a mattress is a quality investment.

Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind to get sound sleep-

  • Choose hypoallergenic bed sheets and pillow covers to prevent allergies.
  • Clean your mattress regularly. Wash the sheets and pillow covers at least once a week.
  • Maintain a regular sleep cycle.
  • If you’re allergic to pets, do not allow them onto your bed or into your bedroom.
  • Maintain the humidity level in your bedroom. Use a humidifier or a dehumidifier if required.
  • Vacuum your bedroom regularly. This reduces the growth of allergens and keeps your bedroom clean.
  • Decrease your room temperature to prevent the growth of allergens.
  • A mattress which is in direct contact with the floor is more susceptible to the growth of mold. Hence, place the mattress on a bed or a platform.

Hypoallergenic mattresses have gained popularity because of their various advantages. They are a boon to every allergic person who seeks sound and comfortable sleep. Their market has expanded worldwide, and a ton of options are available in both online and offline stores.

Hope that this article helps you to make a well-informed decision. Thanks for reading. Have a great sleep!

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