At-home cigar lounges are increasing in popularity as more and more people are learning how to build themselves in the comfort of their own homes. With blogs, social media, and the internet in general, people are getting more creative with the lounges they are constructing in their homes. Cigar aficionados are turning to the internet to find inspiration in order to create a functional and gorgeous cigar lounge in an extra room in their home. With that being said, cigar smokers can simply search “cigar lounges near me” to find cigar lounges in their area that they can visit to gain inspiration from.
Are you thinking about creating a cigar lounge at home and constructing it completely by yourself? You’re in luck. This post will detail some tips to help you DIY the cigar lounge of your dreams and to help you do so efficiently and beautifully.
DIY Design Tips to Create a Gorgeous Cigar Lounge in the Comfort of Your Home
In order to create a cigar lounge on your own, there are some things you need to consider. Here are 3 DIY design tips to help you build your own cigar lounge.
Think About The Walls
While you design your new cigar lounge, plan your walls first. Your walls will set the mood and theme for your entire lounge, so it’s important that they are well thought out and designed. Some wall ideas to consider for your cigar lounge include:
- Choose dark colors for your space. Many people choose dark reds and browns to create a warm and cozy atmosphere.
- Consider wallpaper. Wallpaper, even if it is just on one wall, will add a unique design aspect to your at-home cigar lounge
- Consider dark-colored trim for your walls, such as mahogany or dark chestnut
Pay Attention to Flooring
Many people do not realize the importance of flooring in a cigar lounge; however, flooring is key. Here are some flooring tips to think about:
- Choose a dark-colored hardwood floor with wide planks. This kind of flooring is classic and will give your cigar lounge a very traditional feel
- Add an authentic area rug that features warm colors and perhaps a geometric design
- Tile and stone are unique flooring options
- Dark-colored mosaic floors will enhance your cigar lounge in terms of aesthetics as well as authenticity
All of these kinds of flooring options can be installed by yourself, allowing you to truly make your cigar lounge a DIY project.
Have Fun While You Accessorize
Accessorizing one’s at-home cigar lounge is often people’s favorite part of DYing the space. Accessorizing this space will allow you to truly make it yours and to make it personalized to things you enjoy. Here are some accessories to include in your DIY cigar lounge:
- A personalized logo or sign
- Bar seating/ a bar
- Game tables
- Leather furniture
- Framed posters of your favorite bands
- Abstract art
- Authentic lighting fixtures
Make Your At-Home Cigar Lounge Custom to You
As you DIY your cigar lounge, continue to look at pictures online, and visit existing cigar lounges. As you look at other lounges, you will be able to get a better grasp of what you want and what you don’t. Keep these tips in mind while you embark on your DIY cigar lounge journey, and be sure to plan appropriately so that your lounge turns out exactly the way you have imagined.
About the Author
Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.