
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

What You Need To Know About Termite Reticulation Systems

When you want your home to be protected all year round from termites, your best bet is installing a termite reticulation system. A termite reticulation system is a series of pipes that goes around your home. The beauty of using such a system is that it can easily be replenished with termiticides using pumps and other special equipment.

While there are different types of reticulation systems available in the market today, each with its own unique pros and cons, one this is for certain – if the need arises, there is a direct link to the property and there is no need to disturb or destroy concrete.

When you want to install a termite reticulation system, the best time to do it is when you are building a new home or you’re under renovation. Having a reticulation system is a requirement when you are building a new home, expanding to include a new room or a granny flat. According to Australian standards, there should be a refillable termite barrier between the old foundation and the new one. In such a case, a pest control company, like Pest-Ex Pest Control in Gold Coast, would be installing the system underneath the new slab of concrete so that it is easily accessible when the chemical reaches its shelf life. The termiticide is injected via pressure and from there it travels to termite treated areas.

When a homeowner has an existing reticulation system, it can be refilled with Termidor, a non-repellant.


Sometimes when a homeowner needs to have the reticulation system replenished, other pest companies would use bifenthrin, which is a repellant. It acts as a repellent in such a way that termites can detect its presence within the system and simply avoid it. This can still cause the termites to look for other ways to be creative and travel somewhere else. For Pest Ex, they prefer using a product such as Termidor, which isn’t a repellent. It was designed to stay in the ground to eliminate termites.

Another issue that pest companies encounter is that some of the reticulation systems are more than a decade old and are considered obsolete in many standards. Because they have been underground for such a long time, these make the pipes brittle over time. Some of the companies that installed these systems have already closed shop and filed for bankruptcy. It is also quite common to see some reticulation systems installed improperly. Some even use plastic bends in corners.

An experienced pest control company would be able to remedy this problem by pumping termiticide in one corner of the house first. This will help them decide whether the system needs to be replaced or not. Pumping into an old existing system can be a challenge for technicians but they should be trained to be able to make informed decisions on the spot. When the termiticide overflows, the technician will have to inform the homeowner about this and advise them to have new systems installed.

Be wary of some companies that may dupe homeowners into believing that they are doing their job right. In this day and age it is important to stay informed.


Some contractors might enlist the help of a termite protection company to install a system. The problem is that these companies don’t need a full termite license to install a line. They could be using inferior materials or might have taken a shortcut while installing it. Contractors are also unaware of how the reticulation works and they could be none the wiser about it. So many issues have arisen because of their lack of knowledge about termite reticulation systems.

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