
Monday, March 24, 2025
DesignInterior Design

25 GALLERY LOFT DESIGNS – Gallery Loft ideas

Are you going to be renovating your home anytime soon? If this is the case, you may have been thinking about how you can add some extra space or rooms to your home. Well, how about you consider adding a gallery loft design of some sort to your home? This is an especially great idea, if the walls and ceiling of your home are higher, meaning you’ll be able to go under and above the loft! Another fantastic detail about lofts is that you can use them for practically anything. Whether this is to create extra space for sleeping or you just need some additional storage room, building a loft is the way to go! Check out our 25 gallery loft ideas to get inspired!

1. An Extra Room – Gallery Loft Ideas

As you will know, lofts are a great way of creating an extra room in your home. So if you are tight on space, a loft will act as a practical and simple solution! For example, even though you may have a bedroom in your apartment or house, you may need an extra one, which will make an easy guest bedroom. You can use the top of the loft as a bedroom, to which anyone can climb up. Then, you can arrange the part underneath the loft as a living room.

2. Plenty of Light – Installing Enough Windows

One important element people tend to forget about when installing a loft in their home are the windows. After all, when you divide a room into two different parts horizontally, then one of the new rooms may not have windows. Make certain that you don’t fall into this trap! Divide the room with a loft and ensure that both new spaces end up having windows. Thanks to natural light seeping through the windows, both parts of your gallery loft will become a lot more friendly and welcoming!

3. Building New Rooms – Gallery Loft Designs

How about you create not only one or two new spaces when you install a loft in your home, but three! You can even install walls underneath your loft, with which you separate two areas from each other. With the help of a few walls built carefully underneath the loft, you’ll be able to create even a bathroom! This is a fantastic idea on how to maximise the space of your home. So if you have a small house and need some extra rooms, this will be a great way to go about it.

4. Choosing the Right Colours – Setting the Ambience

When you install a loft in your home, it’s practically still part of the room you installed it in, especially if you didn’t install walls around the loft. This means, that in order to create a sense of harmony, you may want to think about using the same sort of design, style and colours for the loft, that you used throughout the room. After all, you wouldn’t want two styles to clash with each other. Instead, you’ll probably want the design of the loft to complement the rest of the room. So, taking this into consideration, try using the same sorts of colours and materials for your loft, that you used for the rest of the room!

5. Monochrome and Wood – The Industrial Style

You may have already heard of industrial style, that is becoming quite trendy in home design. Why is it called industrial and how do you recognise it? Well, it takes elements from old factories or buildings, but puts a modern twist on them! For example, in industrial home design, you’ll probably see vintage Edison bulbs lighting up the area. Or metal, that resembles pipes, being used as a railing or merely a decorative element. How about you give this interior design style a try for your loft?

6. A Place for Work – Gallery Loft Ideas

Perhaps you have been thinking about creating a room at home for you to work in. This is especially important if you need a space where you can sit down and work where no one will disturb you. So why not install a loft that will serve as a home office? You can design and decorate it in any sort of way you’d like! If you can’t install walls for your loft and you can hear your family or flatmates getting a bit noisy downstairs, then a pair of earphones will serve as a fantastic solution!

7. Perfect for Storage – Solutions for Storing Your Things

As we have mentioned before, you can use your loft for extra storage space. This is an especially good idea if you don’t have a garage or an extra room, where you might normally store things that you don’t use in your daily life. So, taking this into consideration, you can use your loft as a substitute for these spaces! After installing a loft, you can arrange a set of shelves or cabinets, in which you’ll be able to organise your belongings!

8. Stable Materials – Modern Gallery Loft Designs

Are you thinking about what sort of materials you should use for building your loft? There are quite a few you can choose from. Wood is a very common material to use, as it’s cheap. But one of the main problems with wood is that it can get super creaky at times! If you are looking for something more stable, that won’t give out a sound every time you walk on it, how about installing a loft made out of cement or metal? These are definitely strong and stable materials, which will create a perfect loft.

9. A Small Cave – Cosy and Comfortable

Maybe you live in a tiny house! And when we say tiny, we mean tiny! This may mean you don’t have enough rooms to have a separate bedroom and living room. But with the help of a loft, you’ll be able to have both! By installing a loft, you can separate a room of your home, turning the upper part into a living room with seating. Then transform the part below the loft into a cave-like bedroom. The fact that the bedroom may feel like a cave, can just make it all the cosier!

10. Thinking About the Stairs – Smart Options

If you have installed your loft in a smaller room, then one element you’ll have to take into consideration is the stairs that lead up into your loft. If you have a large staircase built, that will only take up space in your room. So what is a way of minimising the space you use for your stairs? You can always try installing a ladder in the room, this is one easy way! But to create a stylish way of getting up and down the loft, how about having a spiral staircase built? It’s not only practical but is guaranteed to look stunning!

11. Climb Up Your Shelves – Gallery Loft Ideas

While we just talked about a genius way of installing stairs in your home, with which you can climb up into your loft, here is another unique idea! This one is perfect for anyone who really doesn’t have any space to use! Maybe you have a shelf or bookcase placed right underneath your loft, which also acts as a wall. Install metal rods on the shelf, which will act as the handles of a ladder, allowing you to get up and get down easily from the loft, without taking up any additional space!

12. Stairs or Storage – Another Amazing Option

Now that we have talked about all sorts of stairs you can build for your loft, here is one more fantastic idea! It’s all about using wooden boxes with drawers inside of them for the steps of your staircase. This is great for anyone who lives in a small home, and even with the installation of a loft, hasn’t been able to solve all of their storage space problems! What a great way of giving your stairs more than one function!

13. A Minimalist Essence – White with Wood

Perhaps you are in search of ideas on what sort of style to have your loft built. If you have always loved minimalism and simplicity, then here is a beautiful example for you! Use simple shapes and forms to create your loft out of. Also, watch out that you don’t use too many vibrant colours. Keep your colour choices simple as well. For a clean and truly minimalistic look, combine white with wood!

14. Using Space Wisely – Gallery Loft Designs

Sometimes adding a loft to your home, is all about using your space wisely! After all, if you don’t have much space in your home, then you have to think about your options! For example, you may have to build your bedroom right above your kitchen!

15. Chic and Sleek – A Variety of Monochrome Shades

Are you feeling stuck about what sort of colours to use for the design of your loft? For an elegant and sleek look, how about you play around with a set of monochrome shades? Ranging from black to white, these shades will definitely create a refined look in your home.

16. Brighten the Space – Loft Design Ideas

If you noticed that the area of your loft gives off a feeling of being cramped, there’s an easy solution to your problems! Paint the area of your loft white! White is a colour, which creates an illusion of space, making it perfect for making your loft feel spacious and larger than it actually is!

17. A Miniature Pantry – Practical and Stunning

Perhaps you don’t have a pantry in your home, but would love to add one! If you have a gallery loft right above your kitchen, how about installing some shelves underneath the stairs leading up to the loft? This will allow you to create a miniature pantry, without using up any additional space!

18. The Epitome of Luxury – Elegant and Sophisticated

Have you always dreamed about turning your home into a space of luxury? Here’s a design that will help you transform your loft into an image of elegance! Add special lighting to the stairs which lead up into the loft. Instead of adding metal or wooden railing to the stairs, use glass! This will create a more refined and spacious look. Then instead of going overboard with decorating the loft, keep it simplistic for a finer look.

19. A Rustic Environment – Gallery Loft Ideas

If your home has been styled in a rustic manner, make sure that the design of your loft fits in perfectly! Use a rustic design for the stairs leading up to the loft, as well as decorating the loft itself with rustic decor and arranging old-fashioned furniture in it.

20. Magnificent Minimalism – Simplicity at Its Best

Check out this minimalist design for a loft! Steps attached to the wall, as if they were levitating, leading up to the loft. The loft itself should be designed in an incredibly simplistic way, only the necessary pieces of furniture laid out, without any decoration. This will look awesome for anyone who has a minimalist home!

21. Wood, Metal and Bricks – Never Going Out of Style

There are a few sorts of material combinations, that never seem to go out of style. If you are trying to find one like this for your loft, then we recommend trying out bricks, metal and wood together! The combination of the three of these will help in creating a modern and industrial atmosphere!

22. Terrific in Timber – A Welcoming Vibe

Another fantastic material to build your loft out of is timber! Using timber in your home will create a cabin-like ambience, but will also immediately turn your home into a welcoming and inviting place to be in.

23. Two Lofts – Gallery Loft Designs

Are you in need of more space in your home? Then how about installing not only one loft but two? You can use them for whatever you’d like. Turn them into spaces for storage or use them for bedrooms. This is a perfect way of maximising your space resources.

24. A Cabin Retreat – Loft Design Ideas

Here is a cosy loft design with a cabin-like ambience. Put together out of wood and logs, this loft is guaranteed to look amazing! Especially if you have always been in love with the atmosphere of a log cabin. As an alternative to a flight of stairs, you can simply attach a ladder to your loft.

25. A Private Library – A Perfect Spot for Reading

Maybe you have a large collection of books and have been wanting to create a miniature library for them. If you don’t have enough space in your home, have a loft installed above your living room. This will serve as the perfect spot for creating a library! Besides adding plenty of bookcases for your books, also add a few seats. Thanks to these, you’ll be able to relax in the peace of your home library!

We trust that you have found some inspiration amongst these loft design ideas! For more home design ideas, such as bathroom design ideas for renovation or living room renewal ideas, check out our website!

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