
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

25 GORGEOUS SPRING DOOR DECORATIONS – Spring Wreaths for the Front Door

When spring arrives, you want to welcome it with your heart and receive it into your home! You might be spending a lot of time walking around in nature, watching the flowers blossoming all around! If you are, you may be considering adding some spring decorations to your home and garden design! After all, you would like to feel the arrival of spring in your living environment! An important part of the house some people seem to forget about is the front door. Adding some gorgeous spring door decorations will take the ambience of your home to the next level! So, take a look through our pick of spring wreaths for the front door to find some inspiration!

1. Welcoming the Season – A Lovely Welcome Sign

An easy idea for decorating your front door is to hang a welcome sign on it! You won’t only be welcoming any friends or family into your house, but the season of spring as well! A cute idea is to use a wooden panel, to paint up the word “welcome.” Then you can attach a mason jar to the welcome sign, which will act as a small vase. Pour some water into the mason jar, and add a few flowers to it, presenting the welcome sign with a springtime atmosphere!

2. Feeling the Springtime – Fabulous Spring Door Decorations

There are so many fantastic ways of creating some spring door decorations, and here is one idea for you! All you need for this door ornament is a wooden panel and some paint! First of all, you can paint a few flowers on the wooden panel. After all, the season of spring is all about flowers, so it would only make sense to use them for inspiration on your door decoration. Allow the sign to dry, before painting the word “spring” on the board as well! This is easy yet beautiful!

3. An Array of Tulips – Fabulous and Floral

We have already talked about how spring is all about flowers blossoming! A typical springtime flower is no other than tulips. These gorgeous flowers even created a frenzy during the 17th century in the Netherlands, so it would be no surprise if you decide on using them for your front door decor this spring. Tulips come in a huge variety of all sorts of shapes and colours. So, we’re certain that you will be able to find one which will be perfect for your front door!

4. Fun in Rain Boots – For Rainy Days

During spring there are a lot of rainy days or spring showers! The weather can change suddenly, and you might just get drenched! It has become quite common to wear rain boots during this rainy season! If you sometimes wear rain boots as well, use them for inspiration for your spring door decorations. Replace a vase or a mason jar with a rain boot, using it as an alternative. Place your favourite spring flowers in the boot, filling it up with a bit of water, so the flowers won’t wilt so quickly. Hang the boot on your front door for a fun look!

5. An Adorable Tie – Spring Wreaths for the Front Door

Maybe you haven’t found the right sort of front door décor yet for the springtime! Why not try making this adorable tie for your front door? Firstly, you will need to cut out the shape of a tie from some sort of material, preferable burlap. Then it’s time to add the word “spring” onto the tie. You might use small wooden tiles or even coasters for glasses or mugs. Coat one of their sides with paint, after allowing it to dry, you can paint a letter on each one. Then stick these on your burlap tie and you’re ready to hang it on your front door!

6. A Floral Umbrella – Effortless and Easy

We have already touched upon the fact that it rains a lot during spring. If you are thinking of using rainy days as inspiration for your front door decoration, here is an idea for you! Use an umbrella and turn it upside down, hanging it on your door. This umbrella will serve as an alternative to a vase. Place your favourite spring flowers inside of it, to create this effortless door decoration!

7. A Cute Birdhouse – Inside a Wreath

Here is a super cute idea for what you can hang onto your front door to welcome spring with! It’s no other than a wreath, which has a variety of gorgeous flowers decorating it. You can weave the branches of flowers together yourself, to create your front door decoration. In the middle of your wreath, why not place a tiny birdhouse? A fantastic idea is to pour some bird seeds into it. Maybe this will help in inviting some cute bird visitors to your front door!

8. Flipflops and Flowers – Spring Door Decorations

Create an awesome welcome sign for your front door for this years’ springtime! You don’t have to stick to a traditional wreath, you might use old and unused items to create front door decor which is funky! How about trying out a flipflop wreath? This consists of seven flipflops attached to each other. Each flipflop should have a letter attached to its bottom, putting together the word “welcome.” Then it’s time to decorate the tops of the flipflops with artificial flowers as well as plastic or paper butterflies! Artificial flowers are a good idea to use since they won’t wilt before their time!

9. Watering Your Garden – Spring Wreaths for the Front Door

Check out this other alternative to using a traditional wreath! Instead of weaving a wreath out of branches and flowers, simply twist a water hose into a ring, creating the base of it. You can insert some flowers to one of the sides of the hose if you want to perk it up a little. In the middle of your wreath, hang a watering can. You can paint a few welcoming words on the can for a final touch.

10. A Delightful Aroma – Brilliant Lavenders

When you decorate your front door for spring, you might be considering using some unique flowers or herbs, which have an intense aroma. A beautiful species of flower, which also has a lovely scent, is no other than lavender. Its fragrance brings a sense of relaxation and peace. If you love these flowers, why not place some in a small, woven basket. Then simply hang it on your front door for a burst of purple colour. This basket of lavender will provide a rustic and provincial atmosphere for your front door.

11. Decorate a Wagon Wheel – With Spring Elements

If you love farmhouse or rustic designs when it comes to home and garden decor, you will love this idea! It incorporates the wheel of a wagon, using it for the base of the wreath. To give it a spring vibe, you will have to wrap flowers and vines around one half of the wheel. Then all you need to do is attach a watering can to the other half of the wheel. These simple decorative elements will give your wreath a farmhouse ambience!

12. An Array of Butterflies – Spring Wreaths for the Front Door

You might have noticed that now spring has arrived, that a lot of insects and bugs have crawled out of hiding! Bees are buzzing, ants are working and butterflies are fluttering everywhere! If you like butterflies, why not use them as inspiration for your front door decor? First of all, you will need to create the base of your wreath. You might use a readymade wreath or weave your own out of twigs and branches. Then all you need to do is attach cut out butterflies to the wreath! These can be ones you make yourself or plastic, store-bought butterflies

13. A Tulip Wreath – Gorgeous and Delicate

We have already talked about using tulips for creating your spring wreath. After all, these gorgeous flowers will uplift the look of anything! Use an abundance of tulips for making your wreath, covering the whole of it in tulip heads. Why not try out some pale shades of tulips, such as pale pink and white. These colours will complement the style and look of any front door.

14. Dried Flowers – Lovely Spring Door Decorations

There are various ways of incorporating flowers into your wreath for spring. You don’t necessarily have to use fresh flowers for creating a wreath. Dried flowers will look just as amazing on your front door decor! Not to mention, dried flowers don’t wilt, since they are already dried! Thanks to this, you won’t have to worry about changing the flowers in your wreath every week or so!

15. A Breath of Spring – For Anyone Who Loves to Crochet

Perhaps one of your hobbies is crocheting or knitting. If so, why not create a wreath, which involves crocheted bits? For example, you might crochet some cute flowers and attach those to the wreath. Another adorable addition you can attach to the wreath is a crocheted bee! This is guaranteed to deliver the essence of spring!

16. Keeping it Simple – Awesome Spring Door Decorations

When creating a wreath or some door decoration for spring, you don’t have to go over the top! Try keeping things simple. Create use a wooden sign, coating it in pastel coloured paint. After all, pastel colours are perfect for spring! Paint the words “hello spring” on it. Then attach some flowers tied together in a bow to the welcome sign.

17. Yellow and Pink – Colourful and Fabulous

Instead of creating a wreath, why not place a basket or vase of flowers on your front door? Flowers are the symbol of spring, so it would only make sense to use some in your door ornament. Try out a combination of yellow and pink flowers, to bring a vibrant and vivid ambience to your home!

18. Watering Your Flowers – A Creative Idea

Make certain that you water your flowers every day with this fantastic idea! This idea is all about how to salvage something old and unused. We’re talking about a garden hose! Wrap the hose around a pot or basket of flowers, and place its head above them. If you attach some beads to the head, it will appear as if water was pouring out of it! This showering of the flowers is an easy and fun idea to create!

19. Another Umbrella – Filled with Tulips

We have already mentioned using an umbrella as a vase for flowers. If you hang an umbrella upside down on your front door, it will allow you to store some flowers inside of it. You might be trouble having to decide what sort of flowers you want to store inside. A species of flowers you can’t go wrong with for spring are tulips!

20. A Straw Hat – Spring Wreaths for the Front Door

Use an alternative to a traditional wreath! Why not place a straw hat on the front door of your home. You can add a few flowers and ribbons to it. This will make the perfect front door decoration for spring or even summer!

21. Gorgeous in Yellow – A Burst of Sunshine

You might be searching for a particular colour for your front door decoration. Think about what colour would really convey the ambience of the springtime! A great idea would be to use any sort of yellow flowers in either the form of a wreath or a bouquet. After all, yellow is the colour of sunshine, which is a huge part of spring!

22. Dancing Daffodils – Spring Door Decorations

Here is yet another astounding idea on what sort of flowers you can use for your spring door decor. This is no other than daffodils planted into a basket, which you place on your front door. Daffodils have been used as inspiration for paintings and poems, so you might give it a try in your home as well!

23. Crazy About Butterflies – Spring Wreaths for the Front Door

While we have already mentioned using butterflies as inspiration, here is another front door wreath involving them! Attach colourful butterflies to your wreath, as well as some delicate flowers and sprigs of berries. You might decide on creating a rainbow of butterflies, just like in the example above!

24. Happy Sunflowers – A Bag of Them

As an alternative to creating a wreath, why not weave a small bag or basket that you can hang on your front door? Then fill it with an array of happy sunflowers for a radiant and optimistic atmosphere! This is a simple way of decorating your front door for spring, making it great for anyone who doesn’t have very much time on their hands.

25. A Vintage Frame – Unique and Stylish

Add a vintage vibe to your front door for this years’ spring! If you have an antique-looking frame, coat it in a layer of vibrant paint and attach a few flowers to it! Then simply hang it on your front door, and you are already finished! So that’s an easy idea you might think about giving a try this springtime!

There are so many unique ideas for creating some gorgeous spring door decorations. If you’re in search of seasonal door decor, such as summer door wreaths, take a look through our website!

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