
Monday, March 24, 2025
GardenRoom Type


When you think of gardens, what image pops into your mind almost immediately? Perhaps it’s an image of you and your family and friends enjoying a lovely afternoon in your backyard. But maybe it is a gorgeous type of plant which is a necessity in every garden! Of course, we are talking about no other than flowers! Flowers are a beautiful and environmentally friendly way of decorating any garden! There are a lot of species from which you can choose from, so you will be sure to find some flowers to your liking! Look through our 25 simple flower bed ideas. After all, if you are thinking of growing some plants, you will want to look through our garden bed ideas!

1. Terrific in Tulips – Gorgeous Garden Bed Ideas

Do you have a favourite species of flowers? If not, why not learn a bit more about tulips? Tulips are gorgeous flowers which people were completely crazy about in the Netherlands during the 17th century. So, it would be understandable if you decided to plant an array of tulips in your garden! There are a lot of types and colours of tulips, so you will be sure to find a type which suits the environment of your garden. When your tulips start blooming, they will fill your garden with beautiful bursts of colour!

2. Line Your Fence – Hanging Pots from the Fence

As we mentioned before, there are tonnes of ways of bringing the best out of your garden! If you have a fence bordering your backyard, you might decide on decorating it with flowers as well! For example, you can line the area around your fence with an abundance of flowers and all sorts of plants. This will act as the best place to create a flower bed in, allowing you to use the centre of your garden for anything else. Another fantastic idea is to hang some pots of flowers from your fence.

3. A Tower of Flowers – Getting Creative and Groovy

Spruce up your garden with this simple DIY project! If you have any old flowerpots laying around in your garden shed, it’s time to reinvent and reuse them. Stack them on top of each other creating a tower of flowers! Drill a hole in each pot and slide a metal rod or pole through them, which will help in placing them on top of each other. Then simply fill each one with good quality soil and plant the flowers or plants of your choice in each pot! This will definitely bring a happy and bubbly vibe to your garden!

4. An Alternative to a Flowerpot – A Fabulous Wheelbarrow

Here is an alternative to using flowerpots in your garden! If you are getting bored by placing flowerpots around your garden or just digging flowerbeds, then why not use something you wouldn’t normally see as a flowerpot? Fill your old wheelbarrow with soil in order to create a place for planting flowers! If you want to move the placement of your flowers, your job has never been easier! You just have to push the wheelbarrow to a different part of your garden!

5. A Hanging Pot – Simple Flower Bed Ideas

There are hundreds of ways of perking up your garden by using ideas concerning flowers. For example, a great idea is to install some sort of hanging pots in your garden, in which flowers are planted. Besides hanging pots from your terrace or fences, you can also place small statues or décor around your garden. A great example is using an old wheel of a car, bicycle or just a metal ring. Place these in the earth of your garden, making sure that they are stable. Then all you need to do is hang your pot of flowers from it!

6. Spectacular Designs – Creative Garden Bed Ideas

Get creative with your garden beds and don’t stick to plain or boring designs! Instead, try creating something new and original in your garden. Right underneath a tree in your garden, you can dig up the earth and plant succulents around it. Then lay rocks around the succulents, spiralling out from the base of the tree. Creating spirals of rocks and succulents around one or more of your garden trees will assist in giving your whole backyard an imaginative and innovative look.

7. Overflowing with Flowers – Gorgeous and Dreamy

Do you want to put together an easy yet gorgeous ornament in your garden? If so, check out this idea! It is all about laying down a terracotta vase or pot in your garden, tilted to the side. Fill this clay pot or vase with soil, planting some flowers inside of it. Also, plant flowers outside of it. This will create the image of a pot overflowing with flowers. It might take some time for your flowers to grow out and blossom, but when it happens, it’s going to be completely worth it!

8. Fabulous with a Fountain -Simple and Stunning

There are a few elements you can add to any garden, which will immediately elevate it, as well as the flower bed it is resting upon! If you have a gorgeous bed of flowers and ferns somewhere in your garden, why not install a fountain in the middle of it? A fountain will look beautiful amongst your flowers, as well as create a calming sound of water trickling! To further decorate your flower bed, you might go for placing different sorts of stones and rocks around it.

9. Old into New – Simple Flower Bed Ideas

Here is another idea for reusing an old item you might have at home. If you have a galvanized tub somewhere around the house which you haven’t used for years, now is the time to create something new out of it! Create a hanging pot for flowers out of it! You can do this by using one of the handles of the tub and attaching it to a metal pole or one of your fences. Fill part of the galvanized tub with soil and plant your favourite flowers in it!

10. An Old Wheel – Great Garden Bed Ideas

While we have talked quite a bit about using old items, which you don’t use anymore in your every day, there is room for one more! If you have an old wheel, you might use that for creating interesting shaped flower beds. After placing the wheel into the earth, you can plant anything in the spaces between the spokes of it. For example, planting and growing succulents in these smaller spaces will look amazing! This will create a spectacular look in your garden and will serve as an interesting alternative to flower beds.

11. Succulents and Stone – Keeping it Simple

Perhaps you would love to channel an exotic and modern style in your garden. Well here’s some inspiration for simple flower bed ideas! Use a combination of succulents and stone to create this elegant and contemporary ambience in your garden. You can plant some succulents in pots or vases, placing them into the earth. Then pour small stones and pebbles on the ground around them. This will help in building that simplistic ambience!

12. Create a Fire Pit of Flowers – Simple Flower Bed Ideas

You might be considering creating an interesting and creative design for your garden. Recreate the image of a fire pit which has a pot of stew brewing right above it! But instead of lighting an actual fire and cooking a real stew, use flowers! Plant red flowers where the fire pit is as if they were small flames warming the pot! Fill the pot with soil and plant some different coloured flowers in them. Then attach the pot to a small arch, which you can put together yourself, above the red flaming flowers.

13. Another Alternative – Involving a Bicycle

Check out this other alternative to flower beds! This is a perfect idea for anyone who has an old and unused bicycle at home that they are willing to transform. First of all, coat the bike in a layer of paint which will complement the rest of your garden. If your bike doesn’t have a basket at the front or the back, then it’s time to attach one to both parts. Plant whatever species of flowers you’d like in the baskets and let them bloom and blossom when the time arrives!

14. Adding Some Lighting – Garden Bed Ideas

Add some lighting to your garden, to create a beautiful ambience during the nighttime! This is an easy idea you can make yourself! All you need is a watering can, which you fixate to a rod or pole. Then attach strings of fairy lights to the can, as if they were flowing out from its holes and watering the flowers underneath it!

15. A Creative Spiral – Put it Together Yourself

Here is another fantastic idea for perking up your garden! Create a spiralling flower bed. You can achieve this by putting together the spiral out of chicken wire and filling its insides with small stones. This will create a stable foundation. Then fill the gaps between the line of the spiral with soil. You can plant some flowers or herbs in these parts!

16. All Sorts of Pots – Cute Garden Bed Ideas

Another cute alternative to digging up your garden and creating flower beds is this! Use old teapots and cooking pots for this idea. Fill them with soil and plant the flowers or herbs of your choice in them! Then you can place these various pots all over your garden, creating a vintage and adorable atmosphere in your front or backyard.

17. Blossoming Tree Stumps – Amazing and Earthy

Channel nature and earthiness in your garden! Instead of using items as flower containers which you don’t need anymore, use elements of nature for creating flower beds. If you have any tree stumps or logs in your garden, cut holes in them, which will create spaces for you to plant flowers in.

18. Decorative and Brilliant – Simple Flower Bed Ideas

There are hundreds of ways to design your flower beds! If you are considering adding decorative shapes to them, then you will have to dig up the garden in shapes and forms which are appealing to you. You can plant different coloured flowers in each shape to create an amazing image!

19. Recreate an Old Chair – Innovative and Original

Perhaps you are still in search of ways to reuse old furniture or items from your house and create flower containers out of them! If you have an old chair, then that might serve as perfect inspiration! Remove the seat of the chair, creating a container for flowers in this spot. Fill it with soil and plant the flowers of your choice here! You can make a few of these and place them around different spots in your garden.

20. A Log Train – Transporting Flowers

If you love creating things with your hands and making DIY projects, you might decide to put this train of flowers together for your garden! Cut up a log into small pieces, creating the carriages of a train. Place thin slices of the log on each side of each carriage, making the wheels. Then cut out the insides of the carriages, filling them with soil then planting flowers in them!

21. Inspired by Succulents – Adorable Garden Bed Ideas

No matter how large or small your garden is, there is one sort of plant which will help uplift the whole look of it! Why not plant some succulents in your garden, to bring an exotic vibe to it?

22. Piling Cinder Blocks – Flower Containers

Here is yet another unique alternative to simple flower pots or containers. Use cinder blocks to create these containers. Firstly, stack them on top of each other. Fill the chosen blocks with soil, planting succulents, herbs or flowers in them. You can create a tower of cinder blocks in one or all the corners of your garden for a stunning look!

23. Raised Rings – Simple Flower Bed Ideas

Create raised flower beds in your garden. These are not only easy to put together but are very beautiful to look at! Depending on your taste or style, decide what sort of shaped raised flower beds you want. Circular shapes are bound to look awesome!

24. Fun and Funky – With Old Car Tires

Not sure what to do with your old car tires? Here’s a great idea for you to bring colour and fun into your garden! Coat your old car tires in vibrant paint and place them on the ground of your garden. Fill the insides with soil, allowing you to plant flowers in them! This is an easy and simple idea!

25. An Array of Pots – Great Garden Bed Ideas

Maybe you are in search of a simple and easy flower bed idea to put together in no time at all! Find some empty terracotta pots, fill them with soil and then plant your favourite flowers in them! You can create a few islands of flower pots in your garden, which are surrounded by stones. Building a few of these islands will look great in any backyard, so make sure to give it a try!

Hopefully, you have found some inspiration amongst our simple flower bed ideas. If you are in search of other garden ideas, such as garden designs for your home or designing a dream garden, visit our website!

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