
Friday, March 28, 2025

3 Easy Holiday Cleaning Tips For Homeowners

We all love the holidays. It’s a time for the family to be together and celebrate each other. It is, however, a known fact that the holidays can also be very stressful and daunting for one simple reason, cleaning.

Most Americans will agree that holiday cleaning is the most stressful thing about the holidays. To make things worse, holiday guests tend to be quite messy. Now, this isn’t to pass any judgment that one knows how to be the perfect holiday guest. But cleaning up after a feast or get-together can ruin the entire holiday.

Here are three holiday cleaning tips that will make cleaning a tamer and easier task to do, so you can have a stress-free holiday season with your family.

Prepare Ahead

Cleaning ahead might seem like an obvious and rather unhelpful tip, but we assure you that this tip is a lifesaver. Doing so helps ease you into the holiday cleaning process so you that you don’t need to stress about it after all the festivities. Preparing ahead will also help you save time you spend on cleaning. If you can conquer this first tip, then the remaining two tips will be much easier.

You can hire a cleaning service, which is a great way to prepare ahead and without any stress. House cleaning services like SwiftClean will have your house looking spotless and put you in the holiday spirit.

If you want to do things on your own, then make sure that you buy all the cleaning supplies you’ll be needing before the holidays officially begin. Doing so also puts you in a mindset that prepares you for holiday cleaning. Also, when the back-to-back parties commence, you might not have the time or energy to run to the store to buy the things you need to clean up the spillage and messes.

After buying the tools, you must place them in parts of the house where they are within reach. Place kitchen cleaners close to the stove and those for the bathroom underneath the sink. You may be able to prevent any permanent damage to your household and fixtures.

For instance, instead of putting a temporary fix, you can just immediately clean your rug of any spillage. This lowers the chance of you getting stressed even after the holiday season ends.

So this begs the question; what household cleaning items should be kept close? Well, you should definitely have a multipurpose cleaner close by and kept in a safe place, well out of the reach of children and pets. This is very useful as a quick cleaning tool.

Dust cloths should also be kept handy. They’re useful for dusting furniture, decorations and other things. Toilet brushes are very important because you’ll have more guests during the holiday period, meaning more people frequently using the bathroom.

Disinfectant wipes should be kept by the sink in the kitchen and bathroom too. They can be used for quick and snappy cleaning. They don’t just clean but they can also disinfect surfaces like tabletops doorknobs and fridge doors.

Make Sure Everywhere Is Clean Before The Holiday Begins

One critical step is to clean your home before the holiday begins, in order to make future cleaning processes much more manageable. If your house is already messy to start with, then you’ll definitely face a daunting task as holiday festivities are sure to add to the chaos.

When your house is clean, you can easily spot messes and spills as soon as they happen. Then, you can take care of each one before everything piles up into a gigantic mess, which can occur quickly during the holidays.

Clean As You Go

This is perhaps the most helpful tip as it will help you make sure that your house is neat throughout the holiday period. Clean the messes as soon as you pass by them in your household.

For example, you can start wiping the sink and washing the plates while waiting for your meals to be cooked. Pick up any bits and pieces on the floor while you’re decorating. When it’s time to open presents, tell your loved ones to dispose of the wrapper right away.

It is when we don’t do these little clean-ups that can cause a huge mess that will be difficult and unbearable to clean.


The keys to stress-free holiday cleaning are preparation, maintenance, and consistency. Cleaning is less daunting when approaching it in doses. If you let the mess pile up and attack it all at once you’ll be very stressed and will find yourself caught in a cycle where your house is always messy.

Provided you follow these tips diligently, your holiday will be stress-free. You’ll also enjoy the comfort of a clean house, while spending time with your loved ones. These pieces of advice can also be used even beyond the holidays and festivities.

the authoradmin