
Friday, March 28, 2025

4 Ways to Make Your Home Sell Faster

Moving is a difficult, but exciting, process. You’ve worked hard to have the home you do, and leaving it might not have been an easy decision. Once you put your house on the market, things might seem stagnant for a bit. It’s okay to be frustrated when offers aren’t coming in or the ones that you’ve received are for low prices. However, it’s also time for a different approach.

It may be time for you to start finding ways to get the moving process to go faster. There are steps you can take that will make your home more appealing to potential buyers and enticing enough that they’ll being making good offers. To find out how to score a faster sale and for a better price, keep reading!

  1. Update Outdoor Fixtures

Letting the outside of your home look the same as it did ten years ago is not going to create offers. It’s important that your home look as modern and new on the outside as possible. They don’t call it “curb appeal” for nothing. The more renovated and up to date your house looks, the more people are going to be willing to pay for it.

If your roof hasn’t been worked on in years, it might be a good idea to call a roofing company to perform an inspection. Then, they can suggest any improvements that need to be made. The same can be done for your chimney, front door, porch, driveway, and any other part of the exterior appearance.

  1. Get New Appliances & Fixtures

While this might seem similar to updating the outside of your home, getting the latest and greatest appliances and fixtures is one of the easiest ways to increase its value on the market. Buyers will be willing to pay more for a modernized and technologically advanced home.

This means investing in a high-end fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, sink, shower, etc. All of these will greatly increase the demand for your home in comparison to your neighbors’ whose toilet is from twenty years ago. It might feel like money down the drain, but just remember you’ll earn it right back when someone makes an offer.

  1. Make Your Home Neutral

The homes that sell the fastest and for the most money are neutral. What this means is, there’s no overbearing sense of your identity throughout the home. The family photos are limited, and overall, there aren’t personal reminders that someone is currently living there.

It’s important that during a walk-through, the prospective buyers are not walking through “your home”; they’re walking through a home that could potentially be theirs. This is definitely harder than it sounds, but if you work hard at making a clean slate, it will pay off in the end.

  1. Clean, Clean, Clean

This might sound like a given, but the devil is in the details. It’s easy to remember to clean a bathroom or wipe down counters, but there are spots you often miss. You’re in your home every single day, meaning you’ve grown used to the way that things look. Places like your driveway, pool deck, grout, and crown molding, are all susceptible to being left dirty. Even if you don’t notice, potential buyers will. So, while it might seem redundant, just give your home a nice thorough cleaning.

Moving out of your home within a decent timeframe can be a challenge, but it’s definitely not impossible. If you do all that you can to ensure an offer is made on your home, you’re bound to move into your new one shortly after. Try at least one of these suggestions and see just how much better it makes your moving experience!

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