When it comes to mattresses, many people tend to not stop and think about how important they can be to someone’s overall health and well-being. However, a mattress is the one thing that can help you fight a wide variety of health issues, such as the flu, a cold, and so much more. In the event that you find yourself trying to sleep on a mattress that either needs to be replaced or is simply worn out, you will essentially be robbing yourself of a sleep that is as restful as possible.
Here are some useful tips that will help you know when the time is right for you to change your mattress.
Your Mattress Has a Dent
If your mattress currently has any spots that are visibly sagging – more than 1.5 inches deep – or it feels generally uneven, this is a definite sign that you will have to upgrade to a new one. Additionally, you should never feel any of the coils in the mattress while you lay down on it.
You Wake Up in Pain
Changing your mattress may be a good idea if you experience varying amounts of pain whenever you wake up in the morning. This can include stiffness, numbness, neck pain, and multiple aches.

You Experience a Surge in Allergy Symptoms
No matter what type of mattress you use, they will all attract various types of allergens. Whenever these allergens increase, the risks for issues such as asthma and allergy issues will increase as well. If you are someone who suffers from allergies, changing your mattress should be a top priority.
There Are Signs of Wear and Tear
When you begin to notice that your mattress is showing obvious signs of wear and tear, this is a surefire sign that you will need to invest in a new one. Companies such as ChooseMattress often showcase which materials and mattresses are the best to go with depending on what you may specifically prefer.

Your Partner is Unable to Sleep
If you find that even your significant other is having trouble sleeping during the night, this is a sign that your current mattress may not be providing enough support for the both of you. Additionally, when your partner tosses and turns at night, this can cause your own sleep to be interrupted as well.
You’re Unsure of When You Last Purchased a Mattress
It’s certainly no secret that a mattress will help you improve your overall sleep; however, if your mattress is more than seven years old, then it’s a good idea for you to invest in a new one. Furthermore, in that same span of time, your body itself will have also changed, such as developing health issues, gaining or losing weight, and more, meaning that the mattress you have will need to adjust to all of that.

These are just some of the many different tips to make note of regarding when the time is right for you to change your mattress. In the end, it’s always important to remember that having a new mattress will help to not only sleep much better at night, but it will also improve your overall quality of life as well. This is something that applies to both you and your significant other.
Finding a good mattress is definitely something that should be a priority for you, and when you look at the top rated bed mattresses from happesleepyhead it’s important to find the one that best fits your needs