
Monday, March 24, 2025
Building TypeResidential

Choosing a Patio Door Made Easy! 3 Important Things to Keep in Mind

Choosing a patio door can be a stressful decision to make, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are 3 things to keep in mind when choosing your next set of doors!

Are you looking to replace your patio door? Maybe yours is starting to leak, letting in the cold or you just want a change.

Whatever reason, finding a replacement patio door can be a stressful decision to make. It is easy to get overwhelmed when choosing your options.

Don’t worry, we are here to help! Read on for 3 things to keep in mind when choosing your next set of doors!

1. Outdoor Space

Your patio door has the important role of linking the inside with the outside. You should always consider your outdoor living space when looking at a new door. There are many different types of patio doors, and you want to get the type that best suits your needs.

If space is at a premium, then an outswing hinged door could end up shrinking your patio. A sliding or inswing door will allow you to keep your patio area as available space. Outswing doors are perfect when interior room space is at a premium or there is a roof overhang.

If you have a view you are particularly proud of, your patio door can enhance it. Bi-parting doors will allow you to bring the outside in and enjoy the view from inside. They are also a great way to allow a large amount of natural light to brighten your room.

2. Design

Once you have picked your door type there are still many other design features to consider.

You can customize your door to fit the windows and the interior room decor as well as the exterior color and design of your property. Like your home’s exterior, the material of your patio door is important to the overall look. Make sure you pick a quality and style that compliments your home.

For example, if your home is cedar, you’ll want to consider a solid wood or high end-fiberglass door instead of a vinyl sliding door. If you want more design options, french doors are a good choice. With these, you can select the door style, accessories, color and more.

3. Glass

Glass is a major part of any patio door, and just like choosing windows, you need to select the right type of glass.

Make sure that you pick quality, energy efficient glass. Low-E glass has a coating what prevents UV rays from passing through. This will not only protect your belongings from fading but will also lower your energy bills.

It isn’t just the type of glass that you can customize. Many doors have options for extra glass elements. Decorative glass is readily available, and you can use frosted glass if you value your privacy.

Some doors even have features such as build in blinds or panes within the glass. If you like either style, you can make cleaning your windows a breeze!

Choosing the Right Patio Door

If you remember to keep these three things in mind when choosing your next patio door, we guarantee that you will be happy with your choice. Not only will your door be highly efficient and fit in with your home, but it will also enhance your inside and outside space.

If you found this article useful, check out our other articles on interior design. At Founterior we help you get the very best out of your home designs.

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