
Friday, March 28, 2025

Creative Furniture Design Ideas by RBW

Rich Brilliant Willing

The designers behind the Rich Briiiiant Willing studio are Richardson, Briil and Williams, Having combined their talents and efforts they create furniture, product and environment design, characteristic of which is the reuse of materials. Each of the designers has his own point of view. Uniting their different viewpoints, the trio creates intriguing objects, which provoke the imagination.

We establish a soiid balance, while there is an overlap in what we do and what we like, each of us brings a different strength. Generally we like to think of ourselves as three different specialties: one explicitly loves materiality and interior spaces, another with an unconventional color paiette and eye for sculptural form, the third is an inventor bringing spontaneity and theatrical energy to the work.

We try and make interesting work with a responsible attitude towards the environment. One thing we try and do is make work of a quality so will be handed down as opposed to thrown out like so many.’things which we as a culture consider to be disposable.

We are always looking at other things, usually other objects that have been manufactured. Recently we have been looking at a variety of things, including metal safes, lock boxes, camping furniture, military campaign furniture and space suits.

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