
Friday, March 28, 2025

Cross Country Moving Checklist

A lot of planning and organizing goes into moving house. That is why finding the process a bit stressing is understandable. However, you can overcome and even avoid some of the hurdles that come with preparing for the move if you plan accordingly. That is why you need to come up with a moving checklist. Below is a quick example of a moving checklist that you can implement in your relocation plans.

6 Weeks To Go: Research The Movers

You should be searching and researching the various reputable movers that you can approach to give the job. Conversely, you may opt to handle the transportation bit of things yourself, in which case you will have to hire a movers’ truck. Use this period to also go over matters of insurance coverage with the movers, and you review their services, terms, and prices.

You also should start familiarizing yourself with the new town. Get to know as much as you can about the area, its financial institutions, health service providers, education, entertainment, as well as public utilities and amenities. Also, this is the time to work on the necessary documents you will need when settling in and for setting up your new address and accounts.

You should also reach out to the relevant authorities and notify them that you are relocating to another place. Inform the gas, water, and electricity companies of the move so that they can close the services or make the necessary plan of transferring your account and details; this depends on how far your new home is located.

5 – 4 Weeks To Go: Sorting And Packing

During this week, your focus should be on sorting and packing your stuff. Ask the mover if they will supply the packing material or you are to buy the supplies you need. Do not forget to take into consideration the fragile items that require special packing and handling.

Come up with a labeling system that will help you identify what is put where and keep an inventory of everything. Remember to leave a few things that you will need to use in the remaining weeks before the due date. For this reason a out of state moving checklist can come in very handy.

3 weeks To Go: Review Planned Changes

Around this time is when you should go over the different paperwork with your out of state moving companies to ensure everything is in order. You do not want insurance problems on the day of the move, nor do you want hiccup with the agreed-to transportation modalities. It is also when you need to check in with the gas, water, and electricity companies as well as the post office to confirm they are working on your issues as pertains to your planned relocation.

2 Weeks To Go: On The Last Lap

At this point in the preparations, packing should be ongoing with the items that are yet to be packed, getting fewer by the day. And while at it, check the status of your new address as well as matters related to insurance, homeownership, and tenancy modalities with your landlord or real estate agent.

On the flip side, you will now be shifting your focus to the big stuff – your furniture and home appliances such as washing machine, fridge, entertainment system, among others. You should clean and dry some of these electrical devices in readiness for them to be moved. You can leave the refrigerator for the last two days before the move.

1 Week To Go: Final Review

With the D-day around the corner, you should contact the movers for the last time seeking confirmation that they are ready to help you relocate on the agreed date. Ask them for the number of the person leading the team assigned to help you move so that you can confirm their arrival time.

Around this time is when you should also be reviewing the out of state moving checklist along with all the necessary paperwork to ensure all is well regarding your current residence and the new place. You also need to review your finances to ensure that you will be able to settle all the necessary payments for services renders and have enough to see you through the next few days as you settle in your new home.

On The D-Day: Hitting The Road

On the morning of the moving day, you will turn off the gas, water, and electricity. Conversely, you should confirm that the utilities of where you are turned-on before you arrive. Call the movers to ensure the team has enough hands for the job. Do not hit the road before confirming everything on the moving checklist has been ticked and that everything has been loaded on the moving truck.

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