Display Homes as your First Property Investment. Yay or Nay.

If you are looking at the real estate market with a view to making money, you wouldn’t be alone. Many investors are seeing big returns in the property rental business, and with the increasing demand that a thriving economy brings, there are many opportunities to make a sound investment. Land has always been a solid investment, and with desirable residences at affordable prices, becoming a landlord is an attractive proposition for today’s investor.
Display Homes
When a developer builds a housing zone, they will first construct the display homes. These will be built to the highest standards and then the interior is decorated and fully furnished with the best quality products. The very nature of a show home demands perfection, even down to the wine glasses on the table and the toothbrushes in the bathroom, and with fitted kitchens, designer wardrobes, and stunning furniture, the display home is perfect. There would typically be at least half a dozen display homes on an average housing development, and they would be prominently located in the more desirable area of the project, and with each display home ready to move in, your tenants will enjoy an unprecedented level of luxury.
Terms and Conditions
There are certain conditions when purchasing a display home, one being that you cannot take possession until the last unit is sold, as the display home will be used to promote the sale of the remaining vacant units. If you were to buy a display home before the project has been built, you would be making a sound investment, as the house will be expensively decorated and furnished at the builder’s expense, and for the duration the property is a display home, the grounds and building maintenance will all be the responsibility of the builder, who is now your tenant. If you happen to be in Western Australia, and are looking for new home builders in Perth, here is some more information about a leading builder who also has quality display homes for sale.
A Win-Win Situation
Buying a display home really is an attractive proposition for the owner, as the home is leased back to the builder by the new owner, and with the décor and furnishings already paid for, you can command the highest rentals when the lease has expired and you put the property on the rental market. It might take a year or two to sell all the units, and all this time you will be receiving rent from the builder, while they maintain the property on your behalf. When you finally put the property up for rent, it will be snapped up, as everything is included and the home is ready to move in. If you are going to buy a house with a view to renting it out, a display home is the ideal solution, and with the very best of furnishings and fittings, the highest rentals can be expected.
A Display home gives the buyer a chance to experience the product before committing, and when it has served its purpose and all the units have been sold, a show home can also make for an attractive investment opportunity.
Display Homes as your First Property Investment. Yay or Nay.
If you are looking at the real estate market with a view to making money, you wouldn’t be alone. Many investors are seeing big returns in the property rental business, and with t…