An office should be a space that allows for ease of productivity. For this reason, it’s essential to provide a calm, collected atmosphere to accommodate one’s team.
It’s no surprise that an organised, pleasing environment is key to well-being in the workplace. However, being organised expands beyond merely making sure your desk is tidy, and your papers are filed. You need to consider the interior design, colour, spaital arrangment, and more!
With decoration and interior design being vital to this process, only the most professional will do. If based in the capital, options with decades of experience exist for office decorators in London, adept at bringing dreamlike designs to life.
For the moment, consider the following to create a new and improved office space.
Focus on the Design
Before you get into the intricate task of rethinking the contents of the space, decoration, and layout is an excellent starting point. Consider the rooms — their width, height, shape, and so on.
Colour has been shown to link the emotions for many people. If trying to design a room for intensive work and focus, bold oranges or yellows can aid hugely. However, you may want to consider green or blue tones for quiet and tranquil tasks to boost relaxation.
For maximum relevance, conduct a small questionnaire to see exactly what colours may help your specific team perform best.
Choice of surrounding materials can also inject a hint of luxury or retro feel to environments to suit its concept. Think about the professions of your employees and try to match room materials to the roles they fulfill.
To illustrate, a lawyer may feel emboldened by a regal marble office, while tech companies may be more at home amongst sleek, modern textures and lighting.
In more artistic or heritage-era buildings, you may find yourself wanting to rethink wallpaper or mural designs to suit the times. Punctuate professionalism in rooms with monochrome minimalism. Or in design-related offices invoke inspiration by embellishing walls with prints or patterns that catch the eye.
After you’ve thought about how to reinvigorate your office’s design, the next step is to review what to fill it with! Contemplate changes from the simple — such as furniture — to more niche items, revolutionising your workplace for the coming year.
Spatial Fluidity
This is a big part of this section of organisation. It’s important to ask yourself if there is too much or too little space for each room’s tasks to function well. You should not forget the bathroom when renovating your office. Adding new toilet stall partitions to your office gives the space both an updated look and a renewed sense of comfort.
For example, if your meeting room consists merely of a table and chairs, it may require a change to accommodate emergent styles of conversation. For instance, you can clear a space for the team to sit in a circle and discuss casually.
Adapt to Trends
Consider if there is anything you can add to the office to adapt to any new needs or design options. A recent trend has seen buildings abundant in houseplants or flowers — this can improve the aesthetic of a room and clean the air and reduce headaches.
Equally, a business commode can become dangerously dull or over-practical. If this is the case, you can introduce interactive break-spaces for reducing stress or building rapport. Ping-pong tables, games machines, and the like make for alleviating, nostalgic options.
Interior design, colour, spatial arrangement, and even furniture choice are all key to creating the perfect place for your workforce to perform with brilliance. Any office can benefit from a simple refurbishing, yet the satisfaction of a complete, considered overhaul will do wonders for productivity in the new year.