
Friday, March 28, 2025
BathroomRoom Type

Professional Bathroom Ideas and Modern Furniture

One of the essentials elements in the modern bathroom is the drawers and storage shelves under the sink or the so called bathroom vanities. But what is a bathroom vanity? Usually, these are pieces of bathroom furniture which provide storage options for towels and other bathroom stuff. On the top of the vanity, there is a bathroom sink which follows the design of the vanity – modern, contemporary, traditional, classic, etc. And above the bathroom cabinets – there is a mirror so that every occupant can comfortably use the private room.

Well, this is the most common configuration where bathroom vanities are used. Many homeowners, interior designers and decorators love to break the rules and create different combinations of the items. For example, some may choose to place the mirror somewhere else. Others may want additional storage options. Usually these people place more drawers and cabinets that are able to accommodate all their bathroom items.

What is the most important thing about bathroom vanities?

In a recent talk with one of our professional consultants we came with the conclusion that it is the size. Believe it or not, many people just forget about the place they actually have to place a vanity. A single mistake or bad planning can lead to the situation that you buy a bathroom vanity and there is not enough space to place it!

Before buying a bathroom cabinet, have in mind to carefully plan your available space in the bathroom. If you are not ready to do it on your own, contact a professional designer. Usually, on the manufacturer’s website you can see the exact dimensions of a particular vanity. So the best strategy is to:

First – measure the available free bathroom space;

Second – look for a bathroom vanity with the dimensions that can fit this space.

Hint: There is always an option that the manufacturer can produce a vanity with the dimensions that you need to fit your bathroom. Just contact it and share your thoughts. Usually, you will need to pay something additional for the service but the results are worth it. Because you will have just the exact design that you want and it will be your perfect size.

And now, let’s see the image collection of some of the most impressive bathroom vanities that our professional designers collected for you, our readers.

If you need an advice about the installation, watch the video!

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