
Friday, March 28, 2025

Stay Inspired While You Sell Your Home

The most popular (and best financially) time to put your house on the market is mid-spring. The flowers are blooming, the lawn looks lush, the pollen has dissipated and your home can shine in all the glory of it’s tremendous curb-appeal. Many people who have been interested in selling their homes put them on the market at this time of year, but how do they find the inspiration, trends, and important updates to make to their houses before listing them?

If selling your house is on your spring cleaning list, then you’ll want to make sure you’re plugged into all of the right outlets in order to get your ducks in a row. Without making any updates, cleaning your house up, or decorating with some of the latest trends, your house won’t be as competitive of a listing as say, your neighbor. Why is that? Your neighbor spent a hefty amount at Lowes this late winter and early spring to get a jumpstart on her gardens. She also took a look at the most popular interior design trends on Pinterest to see what might interest potential home buyers.

These are all things you could do too that would help your home sell.

Check out social media for trends

Social media has become a global platform for idea-sharing. Needless to say, trends catch on very quickly thanks to the amount of users. Bloggers often post design trend roundup articles which will be shared on Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. Relevant hashtags show which interior design trends are popular in your area. For example, the hashtag #farmhousestyle is much more relevant in the southeast than in other parts of the country. Take advantage of your social media usage to help you prepare to sell your house.

Peruse Pinterest for decor inspiration

That being said, Pinterest is a really useful tool to help you find inspiration. Combine your time spent on social media scouring for trends with some time spent on Pinterest for inspiration and by the end of the day you’ll have a laundry list of projects to complete to upgrade your home’s style.

Know what home improvements have the best ROI

As you’re working on preparing your house for sale, it’s important to know which home improvements have the best ROI. Though there are many lists and articles that will tell you which updates and improvements are the most important to make in terms of finances, there’s another way to view them.

Consider looking at the house from a prospective buyer’s view. How can you save them money? You can fix weather stripping on doors, even replace old garage doors, increase or replace old insulation, add new window panes, and more. These fixes will make your home more attractive to buyers.

By keeping yourself in-the-know about decor and design trends as well as home improvements and their return on investment, you’ll have your property pulling in offers quickly after you’ve listed it.

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