
Friday, March 28, 2025

Things To Do If Your AirPods Go Through Wash

If you accidentally put your AirPods in a washing machine and they don’t work. What do you do? They’re expensive to replace, and Apple doesn’t have an official warranty for this problem yet. But even if you aren’t sure whether or not your AirPods are on their last leg, it’s helpful to know how to handle them when they go through the wash:

Try to Air Dry:

If you’re in a pinch, and the earbuds have gone through the wash, you can take a few steps to try and save them.

While drying the earbuds with your hair dryer might seem like an obvious method for drying them out, it’s best not to use this method unless necessary. The heat from a hair dryer can damage sensitive electronic devices like headphones or earbuds, so try air-drying first if possible!

Try Silica Gel:

Desiccants are substances that can absorb moisture. Silica gel is a common desiccant used in everything from food packaging to shoe inserts. It looks like white powder and can suck up moisture even when it’s dry itself—it’ll suck up water out of your earbuds after they go through the wash and make them good as new again!

To use a desiccant, put your headphones in a resealable plastic bag with plenty of air space for the substance to breathe freely (the air will help it get rid of excess water). Fill one half-cup portion per earphone, seal the bag tightly, label it clearly with its contents and date, and then leave it alone for at least three days before checking back on progress.

Go to the Local Apple Store:

If you want to ensure that your earbuds are fixed and working correctly, you should go to the local Apple Store. The staff there can help you with any problems and fix them if they cannot do it themselves. They are the best place to go if you want to be sure that your earbuds are set correctly.

Put them in Rice:

This method is an excellent place to start. You’ll need a bowl of Rice, preferably white Rice, but brown will work too. Put earbuds in the bowl and leave them there for 24 hours. If you have time, try to shake off as much water as possible before putting them in the Rice to prevent more liquid from getting inside the buds.

Before using this method, make sure that there’s no sign of rust on them! Rust can damage anything electronic; while these are fairly safe to use after a little bit of corrosion, it’s best not to push your luck if you notice any signs of corrosion—you should probably just replace them if that happens!

Try Replacement:

If you’ve got AppleCare, go ahead and get a replacement. The AirPods will be fixed or replaced for free.

If not, you can still get a new pair for $69 (or a refurbished one for $49). You may also be able to find someone who does repairs at your local Apple Store or independently online. If you have basic electronic skills and tools, you could even try fixing it yourself—but proceed with caution.


As you can see, there are many different ways to deal with a pair of earphones that went through the wash. The most important thing is to take care of them and try not to get them wet in the first place. That said, if they do happen to get wet, these are some methods that you can try before giving up completely.

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