
Friday, March 28, 2025

Ways to Display Your Work in Your Office

Designing an office space can be challenging. For one, you want to be comfortable and inspired while working there. On the other hand, you want to maintain professionalism and togetherness for when clients and colleagues come to visit. On top of all of that, you want to be able to display your work and incorporate it into your design scheme.

If you work in a visual industry, such as graphic design, displaying your work in your office will be straightforward. However, if you work in a different industry, it can be quite a struggle. Here are a few ways you can capture the essence of your work in your office decor.

Wall Prints

While you may not be in a field that has positive visual connotations–plumbing, for example– you can still allude to your work through wall prints. Have some custom acrylic prints created outlining some of your past projects or something akin to your line of work. If you are a plumber, or something less than visually appealing, take an artistic approach. Artistic closeups of faucets and U-bend piping in sepia tones add an industrial feel that speaks directly to your line of work. Alternatively, images of water add a nice touch.

Awards and Achievements

Framing your various awards and achievements in similar frames will add cohesion while capturing your accomplishments. The visual stimulation and use of wall space will be attractive to people who enter your office. As such, it will draw their eyes to a visual representation of your resume, subtly reinforcing your expertise in your field. Using elegant, matted frames will enhance the experience and add a serious aura to your display.

Testimonials and Photos

Create a gallery wall that outlines quotes and testimonials from your previous clients and partners. You can have these printed with a graphic design flair so that they double as art and fit with your interior design plans. You can also incorporate photos of you with your clients or before and after photos of your previous projects– depending on your line of work, of course. If you only have a few testimonials, combine this style of display with your awards and achievements as mentioned above.

Project Planning Board

If you like to take a no-nonsense approach to your decor and want to use wall space as efficiently as possible, forget the art and create a project management board or control center. This area can be customized to fit in with your decor scheme if you so choose. Not only will this give you a visual display of your workload, but it will also show visitors that you are organized and have plenty of work on the go. Remember to use codes and initials rather than client names if your work is confidential.

You can also create a full command center in this space, by incorporating a large calendar, file slots, hangers for your keys and jacket, and photos that are important to you. A command center will keep you organized and show your visitors how organized you are in return.

Motivation and Inspiration

Use your empty wall space as a way to display what motivates and inspires you. Choose your favorite quote or something that connects to the reason you got into your line of work in the first place. Have a decal printed or a large print framed capturing this saying or quote. When clients or partners come in, it will become a conversation piece that allows you to convey your passion and dedication to your role. Furthermore, it will serve as a constant visual reminder that you are working toward something. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get through a hard day.

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