
Sunday, March 23, 2025
GardenRoom Type

Feng Shui Garden Design Ideas and Tips with Images

Feng Shui garden is as important part of the home as the rooms in it. Good feng shui in the garden brings good luck and prosperity to owners, care about their mood and their harmonic relations. Useful Feng Shui tips for the garden.

Feng shui tips for the garden

Basic feng shui rules for the garden

According to feng shui in the garden should be a balance and variety – only then the positive energy will be able to affect the welfare of the home. It is important that all divine animals are present in the garden, in one form or another. The dragon can be transformed into a rock garden on the left, the tiger – in some low bushes on the right, the turtle can be replaced with a tree, or arbor behind the house, and the phoenix only needs a space in front the house.

To attract chi, feng shui advises regularly caring for the garden. Do not leave fallen leaves, dead branches, or faded colors – it reflects badly not only on the flow of energy, but also the health of the plants. Moreover, try to “initiate” the garden so that it has both sunny and shady areas to balance the forces of yin and yang.

The variety of lines , shapes, light and dark sectors in the garden is important for the good feng shui because it creates good conditions for chi. Thus energy can meanders between plants and to retain, rather than passing quickly by. Be careful also with sharp edges. Both at home and here, they bring only problems and negative energy, so try to cover them up using the vines and shrubs.

Plants in feng shui garden

According to feng shui color, location and symbolism of flowers influence the energy flow. It is advisable to have flowers blooming in the garden all year round, as they stimulate chi. Take care of the balance between yin and yang. Plants that have sharp leaves, bring more in, while those with rounded represent yang. Approach cautiously at the flowers with thorns – if they prevail, they may invite aggression and bad mood in your home. Place them at either ends of the house to protect yourself from envy and evil spirits.

Coordinate the colors of the plants with their place in the garden. On the east bet on evergreen plants to fulfill your desires. Select white color for west if you love fairy romance. Blue northwest promote professional growth, and the red to the south brings passionate experiences and active social life.

Feng shui advises to place fragrant flowers around the front door to catch your home with their scent. A suitable for this purpose is the lilac. Juniper under the bedroom windows take care of family happiness, but be careful with it, if there is a pregnant woman at home, because it can be dangerous.

Lavender might have planted anywhere in the garden, because the plant is known as a source of good humor and smiles. A similar effect has jasmine, but it acquires a different impact depending on the sector in which you place it. If it is on the east, it will take care of your health, to the southeast – for your financial stability, and to the southwest – the harmony in the home.

As for trees, conifers are among the most desired by feng shui as a symbol of wisdom and longevity. However, we must keep an eye on them to not grow too high and affect the balance between divine animals.

Decoration of the garden according to feng shui

Feng shui looks positive to the decorative elements in the garden, as they provide a diversity in it. It is believed that water decor is most fortunate, so bet on a small fountain or pond. Suitable for them are directions as north, east or southeast. Do not leave the water stagnates and pollutes because it will attract negative energy. Feng Shui recommends curved and rounded lines for this type of garden decor. Otherwise, you will have to conceal sharp edges.

It is recommended to make a winding path in the garden, it is best from massive stones to wear security and stability at home. The curves of the path helps to keep the chi. Furthermore, if you deploy it on the east side of the garden, you’ll enjoy a double dose of luck at home.

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