
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

5 reasons to use steel in residential construction

Brick and wood have been the staples of the residential building industry for many years. But, these are not the only options. In fact people are starting to wake up to the myriad of other options on the market.

Steel is one of those options that is proving to be increasing practical in residential applications. The great thing is that it is readily available on your doorstep from places such as Mascot Steel.

Here are 5 reasons to use steel in residential construction:

  1. Strength & Beauty

You can purchase steel in virtually any color and the right application can turn it into a thing of beauty. The strength of this metal allows an architect to do things that would never be possible with traditional building materials.

  1. Fast Production

It doesn’t matter what the weather is or if you have very little time. Metal can be produced to order and is easily transported onto site. With the bare minimal of tools the frame of a house can be created in just a few days. In fact some designs require very little contact between the metal and the earth.

  1. Extremely adaptable

Steel is exceptionally strong which means that it is easy to change the use of your residential project or add additional rooms or even floors. The steel will already be strong enough to handle the extra weight and can help you to transform a lovely home into a dream home.

If the strength does need to be improved it is easy to add plates or even extra beams and girders; they can all bolt onto the original frame.

The strength of this product also allows you to have larger open spaces; which is great if you’re after an open plan house or a large workshop on the side of your home.

  1. Recyclable

Steel can be reused countless number of times. The parts can be used as they are or melted down to create new ones. That makes it one of the most environmentally friendly building options.

In fact 30% of the steel made today is created from recycled steel; that figure is set to improve.

  1. Earthquake & Fire Resistant

If you live in an earthquake zone you’ll be pleased to know that steel is both ductile and flexible. This allows it to absorb the shockwaves involved in an earthquake and still support the building. It won’t crumble even if the earthquake is very severe; instead it will flex and offer you some protection against the elements.

Steel is also fireproof. Of course a hot enough fore will start to melt steel but the scientific breakthroughs in the production process allow the precise calculation of fire protection to be calculated and applied.

This is reassuring if you ever find yourself in an earthquake or a building fire.

Steel is perhaps the ultimate building choice as a balance between functionality and beauty. There are already some stunning buildings made of steel and more are likely to occur. Perhaps it’s time you considered it for you next residential construction project.

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