
Friday, March 28, 2025

5 Safety Purchases First-Time Homebuyers Need To Make

Buying your first home is exciting! Finally, the chance to decorate how you want and have access to your own yard.

But buying your first home also means having to prepare for situations you never had to worry about during apartment life. What are the major safety purchases FTHBs forget about? Read on to learn more.

1. Homeowner’s Insurance

The biggest safety item you need as a FTHB is homeowner’s insurance. Many FTHB don’t realize insurance is for more than burglaries or storm damage- it can cover things like vandalism and injuries to guests on your property, too.

Homeowner’s insurance is absolutely a must if you have a mortgage. And you’ll be happy you’re covered should you go through an event like a major storm or house fire.

As a FTHB, you want to find good value for your money. Or maybe a company that rewards you for having some of these other safety items, like a fire extinguisher. For affordable home insurance, check out this list!

2. A First Aid Kit

Ideally, you would have had a first aid kit in your apartment, too. But it’s especially important in your first home to prevent any emergencies from escalating.

Your first aid kit should contain adhesive bandages, antibacterial cream, a thermometer, OTC painkillers, and an instant cold compress.

The most important thing, though, is medical information for everyone living in your house, including allergies and the medications you’re on. There should also be the number of your doctor as well as the nearest urgent care center.

In an emergency, someone may be unconscious, or your phone may be broken-make sure things are written down.

3. Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Fancy cameras and burglary alarms get all the attention these days, but fires and carbon monoxide poisoning are a bigger risk to your family’s safety. The 2021 fire death toll was 3,800, with house fires causing the vast majority.

Carbon monoxide only kills around 400 people a year, but it causes 50,000 ER visits. You need to make sure your first home is safe from these twin dangers.

Have a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector in your kitchen, living room, and every bedroom, as well as a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Make sure your test alarms at least twice a year. And have a plan with your family members about what to do when you hear the alarm.

4. A Tool Box (With Tools!)

Gone are the days when you can call the landlord to fix a loose toilet handle or replace a doorknob. Household repairs are on you now, as well as the dangers of things like lead paint, loose stair rails, and damaged electrical outlets.

You need a tool box with a hammer, regular and Phillips screwdrivers, a level, pliers, and wrenches that fit your plumbing. Ask a family member or watch some YouTube videos, so you feel comfortable doing things like shutting your water off in an emergency.

5. A Generator (Or Electricity Outage Plan)

While not every home needs a generator, you do need a plan for what you can do when your power goes out. It’s important for everyone, but especially if you use electricity for your heating or if someone in your family is on oxygen or needs refrigerated medicine.

Maybe you can split the cost of a generator with your neighbors. Or you can have a plan to stay with friends or family across town.

At the very least, you should include an external phone battery in your emergency kit to make sure you have phone and internet access even during a long power outage. You should also have an emergency weather band radio, too.

Final Thoughts

Keeping these five purchases in mind when buying your first home will help keep you and your family safe. All that’s left is enjoying the process of being a homeowner!

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