Working from home has become increasingly popular over the years, and it’s not surprising to see why. Among the benefits, it is said that working from helps contribute to reducing stress, as there’s no need to worry about trivial things such as that dreaded commute. It also means that you are working in a familiar welcoming atmosphere of your own home. So if you are contemplating the possibility of creating an office space at home, you will need to ensure that the environment you have in mind is suitable. Fear not! We’re on hand to make things that little bit easier..
Where should my office be?
You need to think carefully about which room you are going to use for your office. Consider factors such as a lot of natural light, by heavily depending on artificial lights you’re likely to damage your eyes in the long run. Its also vital that your office is somewhere that you can work without being constantly interrupted, in this instance it’s probably best to avoid placing it near busy areas such as the kitchen or living room.

How should I decorate it?
Decorating your office means not only having nice little things around your desk, but also being well equipped to do the job. Of course you need the obvious things, such as a desk and chair, which is highly advised as opposed to lounging on the sofa with your laptop – you’re not going to feel quite as productive if that’s your position for the day. The rest of the decor really depends on the type of person you are and how well you concentrate. Aside of this it also boils down to personal choice, some people prefer minimalistic decoration whereas others don’t mind if there’s a little more going on. Some people follow the Feng Shui system, as they find that the way that the items are placed and the colours used help to create a calm and relaxed environment.

What floor should I choose?
You may think that this is irrelevant but the floor that you use in your office is also important. You need something that is resistant to the likes of you moving in and out on you chair and against any possible spillages. However we also understand that if you’re working towards a budget, you may not wish to splash too much on this aspect. Vinyl Tiles are one of the most recommended surfaces, and are often the choice for regular offices, so why not consider them for your home setup? Among other things, vinyl flooring is totally water resistant and stands very well to scratchings. So not only is vinyl a durable and cheaper option, it’s also one of the most hygienic too.
And there you have it, just a few tips that we hope will help you to create the perfect workspace to enable you to be fully efficient while being comfortable in your home.