
Friday, March 28, 2025
Home SecurityTips

Five Ways to Deter Burglars From Your Property So You Can Have a Safer Home

Home is where the heart is, but sadly, your heart can be broken. There are few things more difficult to deal with than a burglar breaking into your home. Whether they steal anything or not, you and your family can feel violated, and in the coming months, you may no longer feel safe.

Rather than dealing with the aftermath of a burglary, it’s much better to think ahead and deal with potential burglars in the first place. A home alarm system is one way to do it, but there are many other ways you can protect your property and keep your home safe.

Don’t Have Packages Delivered to Your Home

One of the biggest signs that someone isn’t home is a box on your front step. If there’s a package sitting on your doorstep, burglars can be fairly certain that you aren’t home, which makes it a good time for them to come in for a closer look.

If someone isn’t always at home to bring in packages as soon as they arrive, consider having packages delivered somewhere else instead. A few places to have packages delivered include:

  • Your workplace
  • A friend, family member, or neighbor’s home
  • The post office until you can pick it up
  • The store, where you can pick up your box later

Don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of picking up a package somewhere else? Consider a package lockbox to keep them out of view.

Make It Look Like You’re Home

It’s normal to worry about the safety and security of your home while you’re away. Whether you’re at work or you’re on vacation, there are some great ways to make it look like you’re at home.

Some ways are high-tech. Putting lights on a timer makes it look like someone is turning them on and off, which will keep potential burglars at bay.

Don’t think you have to dish out a bunch of money on fancy technology to keep your home safe if you don’t want to. A few no-tech ways to make it look like you’re home include having a neighbor park their car in your driveway, having someone shovel snow when you’re on vacation, and asking someone to put out your garbage on garbage day.

Post Signs Outside

If you have a home alarm system, chances are, you have a sign posted in the yard, but who says you actually have to have a system in order to post a sign?

The sign itself can be a huge deterrent to potential thieves, even if you don’t actually have any cameras or motion detectors on your property. Put one in your yard or hang one in your window anyway!

Home alarm system signs can be effective, but so can other types of signs. You can try hanging a neighborhood watch sign, even if there is technically no neighborhood watch, or a “Beware of Dog” sign, even if you don’t have a dog, to scare unwanted people away.

Shake up Your Routine

Most burglars don’t just break into the first house they come across. There are many things they look for. One of the things they look for is the homeowner’s routine.

Do you leave at the same time every morning to take the kids to school and come home at the same time every night after work? You could be putting your home in danger. If after a few days a burglar knows you aren’t home at a certain time, they will strike with confidence.

Try leaving to go to work a little early one morning or ask a family member to come over while you’re gone in the afternoon to shake up your routine and scare away thieves.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

There are a lot of reasons to get to know your neighbors, but one of the best is the fact that they can help keep your home safer.

When you talk to your neighbors, let them know when you’re at home and when you will be gone. They can keep an eye on your property, park their car in your driveway, and spend some time in your yard to make it look like you’re home. They can also let you know if anything looks suspicious.

Don’t go to bed fearful every night that your home may be burglarized. There are both high-tech and no-tech options to choose from that will keep your property safe day and night, all year long.

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