
Monday, March 31, 2025

Know These Creepy Guests and Get Rid of Them Soon

It may interest you to know that there are more than 10 quintillion insects alive on the Earth. Out of this, there are 2111 species of edible insects, whereas others are extremely harmful to human beings, pets, and especially babies at your home.

Even after 3.3 billion bugs killed in a month, there is still a humongous amount alive to give you countless health issues. Some of the most common insects and bugs found in the home include – beetles, wasps, diplurans, cockroaches, dragonflies, moths, and much more.

The importance of being familiar with bugs and its species –

Where you may find it as unnecessary information to gather, it is important to know which bug types are residing in your home and taking a toll on your health. However, you may not be able to see them all but somewhere and somehow; they must be hampering your living experience and health. Before it gets too late, know about these and find a reliable solution to get rid of them.

  1. Ants – As they love crumbles and often look for shelter during the rainy season, you can often see them sneaking into your home via windows, doors, or any other open pore. Ants may not harm human beings and still carry some disease, causing infection. Close the holes and sneak-in areas to get rid of ants. And yes, ants are litter lovers, so better do not leave any cookie crumbles on the floor.
  2. Bed bugs – This type of bugs are common in a frequent traveler’s home. It hitches to clothes, luggage, and clothes while causing intense skin rashes, allergies, and other health issues. When it comes to identifying a bed bug bite, people often confuse it as it ends up in escaping human’s vision in no time. Call it a trick or their basic nature; bed bugs are hard to catch and cause severe skin-related problems. If you are fed up with bed bugs at your place, use alcohol to see instant results.
  3. Beetles – These are the most common types of insects found in homes. It comes as an uninvited guest if you often keep the pantry open and messy. Carpet beetles love to hop on cereal, cornmeal, flour, etc. Besides this, they love to hang on woollen clothes lying in your cupboards, stick to the carpets, and create a snuggling corner in the drawers or closets.
  4. Bees – It won’t be wrong to refer to them as summer season lovers. They roam, bite human beings causing severe swelling and pain. If left untreated, a bee bite can cause infection leading to serious problems. Some of the common types of bees include – stenotritidae, andrenidae, andrena, and colletidae.

The last line –

No matter a home or wild insect species, every bug causes a certain degree of damage to human being’s health. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct annual pest control at your premises. A bug bite can result in serious skin issues or death, if not taken care at the right time. Before it’s too late to worry about, look upon the different bug types and remedies to get rid of them.

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