
Friday, March 28, 2025

Living In Military Housing: Potential Safety Hazards To Know About

When someone talks about residing in military housing hazards, they think about issues such as faulty wiring, chemical exposure, and foundation issues. These household threats are pretty common and preventable with appropriate planning.

But did you know that some other safety hazards are hidden within military accommodations? If left unattended, these risks can affect your family’s health along with property damage.

Are you wondering what hidden hazards these are? Continue reading to find out.

  • Water Contamination

In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the water supply ensuring every household gets access to safe drinking water. Despite that, homeowners encounter odor and unusual taste in water. If you also experience these issues, it could be due to water contamination.

Drinking unsafe water could lead to numerous medical conditions, including neurological conditions, a variety of cancer, hepatic steatosis, renal toxicity, and more.

Furthermore, your property’s location significantly impacts the water quality. For instance, those residing in Camp Lejeune (military base) were exposed to contaminated water. Due to this, the families, workers, and veterans suffer(ed) from the medical conditions stated above.

If you or your loved one is dwelling at Camp Lejeune and is severely ill, you must take appropriate action.

What Can You Do?

The recent federal legislation provides recourse to the affected families. So, you must look for water contamination sickness legal help to avail these benefits and compensation. The attorney can further guide you about the lawsuit and prove your claim using the necessary evidence. It would also be helpful to learn about the eligibility requirements for availing the appropriate compensation.

In addition, if you have been exposed to poor-quality water currently, you must report the same to local authorities. Meanwhile, boil the water to eliminate the chemical before consuming it.

  • Air Pollution

Air pollution is often associated with big and metro cities. However, even if you live in the militant area, you can potentially be inhaling polluted air within your household. It could be due to passive smoking, radioactive gas, or gas-burning appliances. Even so, it can lead to major health concerns such as lung diseases, coughing, itchy eyes, cancer, and more.

More often than never, radioactive gas or radon contributed to the polluted household air. This naturally occurring gas frequently seeps into homes through wall joints, foundation cracks, and broken pipes.

Although it exists in all homes to some extent, it becomes a deadly carcinogen when high in concentration. Identifying radioactive gas in the air becomes pretty daunting as there is no odor, color, or taste. Therefore, you’ll need a radon test kit to detect the presence of gas.

What Can You Do?

Fortunately, dealing with air pollution is easy. All you have to do is add ventilation or caulk foundation cracks to cease the air from coming into the house. Furthermore, you can use air purifiers to trap harmful gas particles and circulate clean and fresh air into the room.

  • Asbestos

Asbestos is a combination of six naturally occurring minerals. It is a cost-effective flame retardant utilized in numerous U.S. consumer products, including property construction products. Due to its heat-resistant nature, it is found in insulation, vinyl and linoleum floors, and roof shingles.

Unfortunately, this material is harmful to health and can lead to health concerns such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other malignancies. Considering this, the government has restricted the use of asbestos to a great degree. Hence, now it is no longer used for home construction.

Despite that, people living in age-old homes and ancestral property are exposed to this harmful substance.

What Can You Do?

Verifying the presence of asbestos in property construction materials is impossible for homeowners. Therefore, it is recommended to contact the home inspector to check it.

Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the presence of asbestos is not life-threatening if the property is well maintained. On the flip side, if you are renovating your home or it is damaged in any way (crumbling drywall and poor insulation), you will need professional assistance.

Furthermore, it is recommended not to touch or disturb the damaged area. Also, keep elders and kids away from the affected area until it is renovated. Conduct house inspections before moving in again to ensure the safety of every family member.

To Sum It All Up

Your house should be a safe space for you and your family to live a healthy and happy life. While it offers you a sense of security, neglecting the poor condition and making reckless property decisions could lead to preventable threats. Therefore, you must pay attention to the property’s details and take necessary actions.

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