
Friday, March 28, 2025

Looking After Your Double Glazing

If you have recently invested in double glazing for your home, or you’ve upgraded your windows to a more modern set with all the extra advantages they offer, then you should also invest time and effort in keeping them in good condition.

Your double glazed windows should last you for at least 20-25 years, protecting you and your family from outside noises and the cold. In return you should take the time to protect your windows from environmental conditions and atmospheric pollution so that they do their job as well as they can.

Although the uPVC or metal frames are tough and built to last, you should follow these tips to make sure you don’t have to replace your windows any earlier than you should.

Watch out for damp weather and damp conditions

Damp air or a lot of rain can cause a few problems for your double glazing – you can end up with mould on the seals or even getting into the frames. If your house itself is a little bit damp, then make sure this issue is sorted as soon as you can. You should also watch out for condensation developing in bathrooms and kitchens, as the air in these rooms tends to be humid. Make sure you ventilate these rooms carefully and as often as possible to dry the air and the walls.

Keep your windows as clean as possible

Dirt can, if left to remain, can cause discolouration to your windows, as well as the hinges and sealants. It can even cause damage, so make sure you clean your window frames regularly, including all the moving parts like hinges and sliders – don’t just focus on the glass panes.

Get professional cleaners in if you need to

Most houses have at least one or two windows that are out of reach, so don’t try to access them yourself if you’re not confident or able to do this. Get a professional window cleaner in every couple of months, especially if you’re looking after double glazing in Basingstoke or another south east town with moderate to high air pollution levels.

Use the right cleaning methods

Don’t just attack your windows with rough brushes or sponges, though, as using harsh cleaning implements can cause as much damage as damp or dirt. Some people use the fine nozzle of a vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt and debris before using a soft cloth and a gentle detergent.

Use the right cleaning products

Those gentle detergents are important when it comes to keeping your double glazing intact. You should always check whether a particular cleanser is suitable for uPVC, metal or timber window frames. Washing-up liquid, for example, can actually damage the seals of your windows over time, whereas using a more appropriate product can extend the life of those seals. You should also use a lubricant on the hinges once or twice a year.

These five pieces of advice are a good jumping-off point, but you can also call your installer for more information and recommendations if you need to.

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