
Monday, March 31, 2025

Streetside Solutions – How to Maintain Privacy When Living in a Busy Area

It’s great to visit those thriving hotspots and explore the space around you. When you live in such a place, it can be hard to feel the same level of privacy that others feel living in less-busy areas. If you have expected that a life of privacy is impossible for you, fortunately you are very wrong. There are some simple solutions you can implement immediately that will have you feeling lighter and safer inside your private abode.

Address your entry points

Your windows and doors are going to be the element that makes or breaks your privacy levels. Large windows are gorgeous, but they are practically an open invitation for passersby to stop and have a gawk inside your most intimate rooms. Not the nicest feeling when you are vegging on the couch or doing some living room yoga. This is why you need to shop blackout curtains. They are a stylish and incredibly effective way to eliminate prying eyes, so that you can relax and recline in your home exactly how you like. If you have any glass doors, look into clouding the glass so it is harder to see through or consider replacing with some wood paneling.

Smart landscaping

Your front yard and garden have a lot to answer for. Who says your home frontage can’t be as private as it is manicured? Landscaping for privacy is the ultimate hack. Many homes that live on main roads and busy locations will opt for a large hedge to complement their front. There is also the option of tall bushy trees and shrubbery to create a thick screen that makes it harder to see what’s going on in your property. If your lack of privacy is really weighing on your mind, you could blend a combination of all these elements in a cohesive concept. Start your research by visiting some busy streets and areas to see what sort of landscaping options are out there to draw inspiration from.


Fencing has come a long way since the chain link variety. You can now choose how high you want it, and what material you need. This presents a great option for homeowners who are robbed of their privacy by living in a busy place. It also doesn’t have to go around every side of your home, it can just be at your frontage which means you can choose a more expensive and secure option. A good blend of metals and woods are not only attractive but very durable, so think about how this concept could complement your home.

Security cameras and systems

Every homeowner has insurance, but not too many of these people are looking at ways to add a little extra security to their living arrangement. Installing security cameras and security systems will give you instant peace of mind, and they will be spied by the other public and anyone who is getting sinister ideas. There is a myriad of options when it comes to cameras and systems, so figure out what is going to make the most sense for your home and family.

Commit to the privacy of of your home this year by making small yet impactful changes around the property. This doesn’t have to be a quick process, you may find that this becomes a mission that takes a while to roll out. As longer as you are making incremental privacy additions, you are moving ahead for a more private future.

the authoradmin