
Monday, March 31, 2025
KitchenRoom Type

Top 5 Kitchen Design Mistakes

Designing a kitchen is easier said than done. Everyone who ever attempted this seemingly breezy task will agree. Even when you get the best fixtures and appliances and you choose a gorgeous colour palette, you feel that something is not quite right with your cooking area. Believe it or not, a lot of things can go wrong if you don’t pay attention to the design basics. Have some kitchen remodelling on your mind? Check these common decor mistakes that you need to avoid or fix right away.

1. Poor Planning
If you have rushed into your kitchen decor, without a lot of consideration, you probably ended up with an inefficient cooking area. Taking into account your lifestyle and daily activities is great starting point when designing a kitchen. The area should reflect your way of living, your cooking style and your family preferences. Otherwise it will feel uncomfortable and unfit. Consider things like cleaning and maintenance as well. For example, if baking and preparing meals takes huge part of your time, then having small countertops and no freedom to move is not very sensible.

2. Forgetting the Kitchen Triangle
It doesn’t matter if you have small or spacious kitchen. You need to pay attention to the zone between your refrigerator, sink and oven. The kitchen triangle is used but not abused method to position your appliances. You don’t want to walk across the entire room just to grab something from the refrigerator and return back to the oven. This is just annoying and will make the kitchen cleaning afterwards more difficult.

3. Appearance over Function
People tend to get so caught up in the way their kitchen looks that they forget about its functionality. You need a place that allows easy cleaning and quick access. Getting too excited about the cabinets and the tiles and completely forgetting about the overall layout of the kitchen is plainly wrong. Ordering a refrigerator with door opening the wrong way or placing an appliance near a cabinet with both impossible to open are some of the classic cases. You need to find the balance between aesthetics and efficiency.

4. No Room for Storage
If currently your kitchen feels cluttered it either need a serious cleaning or lacks enough storage. The kitchen usually contains a lot of things and can easily get messy. Ensure enough space for all your bits and bolts. Open shelving is a popular alternative if you are looking for stylish display and easy access.

5. Wrong Island On The Wrong Place
Kitchen islands can add a stylish tinge to the decor or turn it into a catastrophe. Don’t forget it’s primarily a working area. Everything that limits your movement and gets on your way should be removed. Carefully scrutinize your cooking zone for such pitfalls. If the kitchen island is not working for your kitchen either remove it or get around it with a clever solution. You can add a stove or a sink to the island and make it a perfect kitchen triangle.

6. Improper Lightening
When it comes to the kitchen, overhead lightening is not enough. One common mistake is to place your light behind you, casting shadow on your cooking area. Ideally it should fall in front of you. Under – cabinet lightening is another alternative.

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