
Monday, March 24, 2025
Building TypeCommercial

Modern Restaurant Interior and Exterior Design Ideas

Do you like going to restaurants where interior design is fascinating? Personally, I adore visiting honored restaurant with my wide. We enjoy having meals, talking about our ordinary lives and enjoying the pleasant atmosphere and interesting designer solutions in the place which we have chosen for our dinner.

Well, I believe that there are two types of restaurants. The can be be distinguished not only by the time of they day they are visited but also by the type of food they serve. I think that restaurants that are visited during the day are more like fast food and quick snack ones, while those preferred for evening visit can offer a wide range of meals and drinks which suppose a longer stay and more comfortable atmosphere.

Today, I am going to write about the second type. As I have already said, I not only prefer them, I adore them! But now, let’s have a closer look at what a typical restaurant have?


Well yes, we are not going to talk only for interiors here, since the overall impression that a person gets from a place is formed not only by enjoying the atmosphere inside it, but also by the first thing he ever notices about the restaurant. That’s why it is very important that the interior designers and architects together have created an outstanding facade and outer areas that lead to the main entrance.

I have been in one amazing restaurant in Asia that had an outstanding front yard with path leading to the main door. The path started from the road and consisted of giant concrete pavers that was leading the visitors through the yard. At the side parts of each tile, there were solar lamps that illuminated the path. Additionally, I was very impressed by the light show that played its fabulous game in front of my eyes. It was actually an illumination that originally was fixed at the surrounding shrubs. In an instant moment the projectors start moving pointing their light into the sky. Ahhh, amazing!

I know that is a company that creates great architecture projects about commercial buildings.

Entry Area

The entry are should be always welcoming. A hostess should meet your right after you make your first steps inside the restaurant and lead your table. Of course, if you made a reservations everything should be prepared for you but there are cases when you have to wait a little bit. For example, if you have come earlier than the appointment and your table is not ready yet, the hostess should lead to the beverage area.

Beverage Area

Well, this is actually the bar. As I have written above, you may be earlier in the restaurant and you will need to wait. This was the case with me, when visiting this Asian restaurant that I was talking about. When I went to the beverages area, my wife and me decided to have a quick drink right before having our meals. A glass of wine for us, and we have hardly finished it, the hostess welcomed and pointed us towards our reservation. Great idea is to put some best wine books on the bar, so people can learn more about it while waiting.

Dining Area

The most important area of a restaurant. There are many, many things that the designer need to have in mind in order to make this area gorgeous. Well, it actually all depends on the interior design style that is going to be used. It can be modern, more traditional, ultra contemporary, with eclectic touches, with rustic details, etc. No matter what is the type of design, there should be enough place for the tables. The arrangement should provide enough space between the tables so that the guests can enjoy their privacy. On the other hand, the tables shouldn’t be separated too far one from another since this can make the main volume look empty. Imagine a restaurant with 5000 sq. feet area and 10 tables in it – somehow this doesn’t seem right!

The other very important aspect of the interior is the light. Browsing through some ideas about restaurants I have found that here we can distinguish two types:

1. Those who have dimmed illumination and play chillout music or some other kind of quiet melodies.
2. And those who have good illumination and usually accommodate an orchestra that plays live music. Of course, not all restaurants do that. Those that don’t simply provide the music of quietly talking couples.

I can recommend as a company that can manage to develop unique restaurant design.


This is probably more important for the staff members rather than for the visitors. Except for the cases where the kitchen is opened and the guest can enjoy looking how the cooks prepare their food. This is a good strategic move to increase the image of your restaurant since you show that there is nothing to hide behind the walls.


They should be well designed and projected so that every guest have the opportunity to feel comfortable there. The hint is to plan how many guests and sits can be there in the restaurant and then decide how many restrooms do you need. Have in mind that those for women should be a little bit more than those for men, since females go more often there.

On this project some internal surface paint was acarried out with indoor paint sprayer.

Written by Ester K. is a content writer at Pearl Lemon Properties and a sales and Public Relations (PR nerd), obsessed with research, sleeping in as much as possible, and listening to podcasts. When I am not at home with my fam I enjoy long walks through the beautiful city of Jerusalem.

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