
Friday, March 28, 2025
Building TypeResidential

Think you Don’t Need Roof Ventilation_ Think Again!

According to a gutter installation company, as a homeowner, you spend a lot of time making sure your home looks its best. But besides having a great looking home, you also want to make sure that home is protected since it’s such a large investment. One often overlooked means of protecting your home is the ventilation system.

In this article, we look at why the ventilation is so important and how to ensure yours works properly.

The Purpose of Ventilation

In a nutshell, your ventilation system creates airflow through your home by bringing it in and exhausting it. With proper ventilation, your home gets cooler air through the attic during the summer and dry air during winter. This airflow helps reduce your home’s energy consumption, which keeps your utility bills low. A solar attic fan can be a perfect example for this case as it has an independent power solution which uses renewable solar energy.

When Ventilation In Summer Goes Bad

So, let’s say your home has ineffective ventilation, and it’s summer. What happens is the heat gathers in your attic and the temperatures can reach up to 140º F on a 90º day. With that much heat buildup, moisture forms, which leads to mold and mildew growth. When mold grows, it causes damage to your roof’s decking and your shingles, which leads to serious health problems.

Also, the heat in the attic will find its way throughout the rest of the house which makes your air conditioner work harder, which leads to higher energy bills.

Bad Ventilation In Winter

On the flip side, when you have poor ventilation during winter, you also risk moisture buildup, which causes your roof to sink and your walls to warp. Additionally, water rots your roof’s base which can lead to a collapse down the road. And if that weren’t enough, poor ventilation during winter allows ice dams to form which cause significant water damage as they melt.

How To Ensure You Have Proper Ventilation

The first step to making sure your home is well ventilated is to perform a walk-through and check if your system is functioning as intended. If anything looks wrong or you notice the first signs of moisture damage, call in a professional roofer for inspection and repair. While it’s easy to forget to do this or put it off, it’s essential you inspect this regularly so you can spot and fix trouble before it gets out of hand.

Make Sure The Design Fits Your Needs

A poorly designed ventilation system is almost as bad as having no ventilation. Ideally, your system needs a proper high-low balance that’s achieved by placing half higher in the attic and the low is the attic.

Clean Your Vents

To keep your ventilation system running smoothly and efficiently, it’s essential you keep your vents clear of obstructions. Put vents away from areas that get heavy rain and snow buildup. Also, makes sure your vents aren’t clogged by dirt which can negatively impact your air quality and lead to illness.

Be vigilant and inspect your home’s ventilation system at least once a year to ensure your roof, home and family are protected.

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