
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Building TypeResidential

Tips on removing mold from your house

For many years now, mold has been slowly finding its way in to our houses or office something which might turn to be very dangerous f left unattended to.

When they are left to grow for a long period of time, they can bring to us harmful infections and that means parting ways with a few bucks to go for treatment if at all this happens.

This article will focus on some professional tips form Ferro Canada which will ensure that you completely get rid of this fungus and have a mold free house.

What is mold?

Mold is basically some type of fungus that usually grows in filaments. Their mode of dispersal is air since they reproduce by forming tinny spores which are often light enough to be carried by wind in the air.

Mold can grow anywhere whether outdoors or indoors and can survive in warm, humid and dump environments. They can always be found in any type of environment regardless of the season.

If you spot signs of mold in the house, identifying the cause and acting early can save you a few bucks.

Professional tips on how you can remove mold from your house

Even if you call the professionals, the following is what they normally do.

  1. Assessing what caused the contamination

This is usually the very first step towards cleaning your house. If the growing mold was caused by a pipe leak in your house, they will definitely find the source.

The professionals will also try to determine the extent to which the mold has grown just to make sure all the possible areas are addressed.

  1. Identifying the mold species

This is where the mold samples are secured then taken to a certified laboratory to be tested. The air quality can also be tested and from this you can determine the mold species.

Identifying the mold species is usually important as it assists the professionals to determine the danger level. It also helps in determining the suitable and most efficient method to take care of the problem.

  1. Work plan

Once the above step is done, the professionals will always come up with an effective work plan. They will also put in place all the safety precautions necessary to ensure the job is successfully done.

It’s always good to have at least some idea about how the whole process would work, so make sure you ask a lot of questions. Don’t hesitate to do so, it’s of utmost importance to know at least a bit of it so you can have some kind of control.

  1. Containment

The area will be contained and the professionals will set negative air pressure which will be monitored regularly.

This is to prevent the chances of cross contamination from happening to other parts around the home.

A HEPA filtration equipment will also be required to help with this procedure otherwise the situation might turn to be worse than it was before.

  1. Mold Removal

Once decontamination and containment is done, the next step is to start removing the mold. Anything affected by the fungi will need to be removed and properly disposed.

For the semi porous and non porous materials will need to be decontaminated and properly cleaned.

  1. Clearing the smell

When a place is infested by mold, there will always be some strange and unpleasant smell in the air.

In order to completely get rid of this offensive smell in the air, the hired professionals will need to use carbon filters to assist with the process.

They will also need to use some specialized treatments with other air cleaners to ensure the odor is removed for good.

  1. Thorough cleaning

Of course after the mold is gone, it is now time to do some thorough cleaning using some antimicrobial treatment. For the porous surfaces, you might consider using HEPA vacuums. This process is necessary so as to remove all the remaining residues from the mold spores.

This step is very important, as if even a small portion of mold hasn’t been cleaned, it will spread again easily and a few weeks later you’ll find yourself in the same situation, looking for a mold removal company, searching the internet and trying to analyze what has gone wrong and what can you do better this time.

  1. Post Remediation Verifying

This should be the last step after everything else is done. It is usually done by a third party to check and approve that everything is now alright and the area is now in a good state to be occupied.

This usually includes a visual inspection with some special equipment. The air will also be sampled for the quality and verified that is clean enough.

  1. Overview and proper assertion of the work done

Last but not least, you have to analyze what has been done by the company or professions that you hired for the mold removal job. There are a lot of companies and people who will offer you an easy remedy, but knowing that doing it is one thing, while doing it properly is an entirely different concept, is in the center of a successful cleaning.

This step is extremely important, since based on the results you’ll know what to look for in the future and will have experience to compare against. If you have even the slightest doubt of a well-done job, make sure you question the quality and always ask of additional cleaning that has been part of your contract.


Well, we all know what mold can do to us and our properties right? It is important that you take care of this situation during the early stages before it gets worse.

The process is not always that difficult but you need to be extra keen not to make any mistakes that might worsen the situation.

The best option is always to call the professionals, a good mold removal company that can take care of the problem for you, or at least give you proper advise. Mold and water removal is also a profession and there are people who are trained and highly qualified to it. Contact the professionals and say goodbye to mold.

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