
Saturday, March 29, 2025

Decorative Garden Hedge Fence Ideas, Tips and Examples

St. John’s Wood, London, by del Buono Gazerwitz

Shaped bushes have been used for centuries as a garden fence. Europeans brought this trend outside of the ocean. Originally the Americans have started to experiment in the suburban landscape and then it gradually became used in industrial and populated areas. Each garden has an unique character because of the various species of plants, trees and decorative bushes. This green fence is designed by Buono Gazerwitz who combined trees and bushes trimmed like a box called Amelanchier ‘robin hill’. The entire design of the fence is with elegant and refined look. It is enough high in order to provide with the privacy you need. Now, let’s browse the other garden ideas and tips.

Decorative Garden Ideas, Tips and Examples

Arborvitae in East Hampton,New York

If you have a large space in the garden and want to turn it into a modern and beautiful place then you need to select the appropriate plants. It is good to know that there are just certain bushes that grow faster and can reach 10 meters in height. Hydrangea, viburnum and clethra bushes, for example, are beautiful hedges that can quickly evolve. These species has been used in this garden located in New York, East Hampton. The deciduous and evergreen trees add a classical look of the landscape. The modern designers have used a trick from the Victorian time – a combination of different shades and colors of trees and shrubs.

Decorative Hedge Fence Ideas, Tips and Examples

Espalier of Hornbeams in London, by Lunne Marcus

Here we are presenting one beautiful and blooming garden designed by Lynne Markus. The designer has a careful approach to the integration of the house and garden. Eric Groff advices us to have a look at the architecture before we start doing anything in the garden. This way we can decorate the it appropriately in order to look well in our property as an overall experience. The braided fence looks great together with the background of the house and the garden. If you plant your garden with tulips, daffodils and shape bushes in little boxes around them, you will be able to achieve such a perspective in your garden also. There is only one tree in the center but it does not obscure the beautiful stream of flowers.

Hedge Fence Ideas, Tips and Examples

Mien Ruys Garden in Dedemsvaart, Netherlands

The unique in these bushes here is that their shape allows the light to pass through them easily. They are called Ryus hedges. You can notice that some flowers are used in the landscape and this way it acquires a minimalist look. It’s location is in Dedemsvaart, Netherlands.

Decorative Hedge Fence Ideas, Tips and Examples

Hornbeam Hedge in Pennsylvania

The designer John Shanda shows to us how we can separate the garden from the rest of the landscape using trees. This cut is in true European style.

European garden fence with trees - Decorative Ideas, Tips and Examples

Ornamental Grasses in England

Ornamental grasses can be used in various exterior types. They add a fresh appearance in every garden design and what is good to know about them is that they are not only beautiful. Their height can reach a really high level.

Hedge fence made of ornamental grasses Decorative Ideas, Tips and Examples

The Latest in Living Fences

This amazing design of a fence made from various plants and flowers can decorate in a great manner every garden. There is a certain order of flower arrangement that creates the outstanding appearance of the fence. Using vines for it is a low-maintenance solution, yet beautiful. The Museum of Science has been the first that made popular the “vertical gardens” which are invented by botanist Patrick Blanc. He developed a soil-free system composed of felt, metal, and PVC. Copious amounts of water is what he prefers.

Hedge wall made of creeping plants - Decorative Ideas, Tips and Examples

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